Gentle Night | XXV

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"Cause what happens if I fall in love, then you cut me loose?"

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"Cause what happens if I fall in love, then you cut me loose?"

- Nicki Minaj

JULES FOUND HERSELF wrapped in Raheem's arms as the sun kissed her cheek. Each of his hands were on either side of her side as her hands laid lightly on his chest while it heaved in a steady motion.

The feeling of his skin against her's made everything seem cozy and slightly safe. The warmth of his embrace made it hard to let get of, but she did.

She had to.

Even though letting go made her feel like she was trying to fight some inevitable fate, she couldn't let herself fall victim to what she deemed to be easily giving in.

Relationships weren't her thing, emotionally attaching herself to someone felt more like a risk than a reward, and feelings weren't something that she was particularly fond of revealing.

She loved the idea of love — the possibility of being able to throw yourself into someone aimlessly. Yet, she wasn't lucky enough to have every nerve and reaction in her body align with it.

There was always hesitation when she thought of the instance happening to her. Something always brought her back.

Every time she caught herself looking for some kind of loophole to break her instincts in regards to Raheem, they found a way to come back to the fore-front.

"Rah, wake up." She said while stirring around in his arms, "Any tighter and you're going to kill me."

While his eyes didn't flutter open, his grip on her grew increasingly tighter after each second — making it even harder to move as he squeezed.

The bastard was awake too, and trying to squeeze her to discomfort.

"Stop," Jules groaned as she struggled, "You're a menace, let go."

  Raheem lightly chuckled as his hold on her loosened. She slipped out from underneath and hit his chest.

  "Why are you such a prick?" She complained.

  He spoke in a tired voice while yawing, "Cause it's fun."

It was gravelly, deep — sultry enough to lull her right back to sleep if need be.

She hadn't ever heard him first thing after a good night's sleep, and she made a mental note to never be a witness to it again.

It was too tempting.

  "You need to get up now, time for you to go. It's 12."  Jules informed him while looking at the clock.

"You're the one who made me stay here, remember?"

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