Sleep will never lie | XXXI

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"Love is not just a verb, it's you looking in the mirror

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"Love is not just a verb, it's you looking in the mirror."

– Kendrick Lamar

THE REMNANTS OF THE NIGHT lingered among the day like a scorned lover. Fog begged for mercy at the sight of the sun, while the indigo tones of the horizon sunk into its slump of loneliness.

The sun and the moon were physical beings of contrary spirits, fated by the pull of opposition and damned by the hands of time.

They'd sneak past the door of dawn, getting one last glimpse of the other's face before banishment.

The week hung lowly like wet laundry; something you'd want to put behind you quicker than the blink of an eye.

Baldwin's campus felt like a lapse in time as students hung outside the college business buildings discussing their plans for the winter.

Those who'd finished their courses early were rolling out suitcases while others were heading in from study groups to prepare for the few days that were left.

Winter break had arrived.

Raheem knew it as he menacingly trailed his eraser up the side of Jules' arm while they waited for others to finish their exam.

He watched the bumps on her skin rise as he ran it up and down her wrist, smirking lightly at the reaction.

"I think you belong back in middle school Raheem." Jules whispered before taking by the pencil from his hand.

He shrugged, "Those were good years."

"Yeah, the ones where you peaked." She teased.

A hissed, "Shhh," came from the side of them. Raheem and Jules couldn't help but to glare at the student who'd retreated back into the pages of their exam.

Raheem went back to conversing with her, whispering lightly in her ear as he fiddled around with things on her desk.

"Now Julie Marie, how did you get number six wrong? I thought we discussed yesterday that Toni Morrison won a Pulitzer for Beloved — not The Bluest Eye." He referred to the exam she'd handed in earlier.

"She should've won one for both," She hissed, "And stop calling me that."

"I think," Raheem started to play with the ends of her hair, "You should indulge in something more stimulating than playing house with your little Ken
doll. Studying, seems like it would be more entertaining — hm?"

"You don't know what stimulates me, Rah." Jules shot back while pulling her hair from him.

Raheem placed his hand on her wrist, pulling out his thumb to rub the intricate lines that made up the barrier of her dark skin, "Yeah, but I know what doesn't."

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