Time to Woo | XXXVIII

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"Jump regardless of the consequence, cause even on the night of the apocalypse, everybody's an optimist

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"Jump regardless of the consequence, cause even on the night of the apocalypse, everybody's an optimist."

-  Tonedeff

SILVER SLITS OF MOONBEAM decorated the floor of Jules' dorm room. It illuminated the shadows of everything — making the darkest objects subjects of light.

Raheem shifted in his sleep, slowly awakening to realize that the body that clung to him was no longer there.

Despite this, he could still smell her perfume on the sheets. He inhaled it softly before squinting into the black blanket of night.

After looking around Ayden's empty bed, the vacant bathroom, and her lone desk; he found Jules looking intently out of the window.

His oversized jersey fell below her knees, drowning her figure as she held her elbows.

He could get used to her wearing his clothing, especially since she'd insisted on throwing it on a few hours earlier.

He'd called her on her bluff countless times as she covered her want to sleep in it under jokes and light insults they'd exchanged.

Yet now, he wanted to know what had her up amongst the hours of shadows and secrets.

"Jules." He called out while raising on his elbow.

"What?" She murmured while clamping her hand to the back of her neck.

"Unless you're trying to summon some shit in here, I suggest you go back to sleep. It's late." He insisted.

"I'm thinking." She responded.

"Oh," He answered while rubbing the side of his face, "Well come to bed before you hurt yourself."

"I'm serious." She said sternly.

"So am I." Raheem agreed.

Her hand waved him off as she continued in place.

"Look it's, damn near," He glanced over at the clock on his phone, "Three in the morning. I'm going to take up most of the bed if you don't get over here."

She shrugged, "Do what you need to do, I can't sleep."

Raheem sighed before swinging his legs over the bed and sitting at its edge.

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