Swear by the Moon | V

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"Love yourself and your expression, you can't go wrong

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"Love yourself and your expression, you can't go wrong."

— KRS-One

RAHEEM felt himself doze off while waiting for class to start. He spent his night brewing up Lattes for students trying to meet deadlines in exchange for pocket change—making up for the days he took off following his birthday.

After he'd ended his shift, he had a bulk of homework waiting for him at his dorm desk, all formulating to his morning grogginess.

The drag of half awake students only made him lower his head into a wall of his arms before the flick of the lights brought him back to earth.

"Good Morning Class," Professor Washington started.

Almost instantly, she was met with silence, causing her to repeat herself once again, "Good Morning Class."

The agitation that laced her voice made students utter "Good mornings," that stung with attitude.

"I hope you all have gotten the chance to get your copy of Forbidden Fruit, and if you want to be an over achiever and attempt at impressing me— already read the first three chapters.

I'm happy to finally add this book to our class curriculum, it was a wedding gift to me from my grandmother and I've been an adamant fan of it ever since.

She was persistent in trying to teach my husband and me about the lengths and strength of love throughout our people, and when she passed--I made it my promise to be as persistent as she was in teaching it to others."

The class nodded, giving the illusion that they were actually listening to her words.

Raheem felt his eyes slowly curtain close as his breath slowed, it wasn't until he felt a heavy pat at his shoulder that made him snap back in place.

"Mr. McDaniels--you can either join the class or count sheep back in your dorm room. The choice is yours, so choose wisely."

He cleared his throat while straightening up in his seat, "My apologies."

  She nodded, drowning the class in her words and expectations that translated to an endless babble among the sea of students.

The scuffle of sneakers and panting carried itself throughout the quiet building and to the classroom door, making the class turn their heads in sync with Professor Washington. 

  Within the door's frame was a frantic picture of a girl, a messy bun slapped on top of her slim head, her forehead beaded in its own necklace of sweat, and her pouted lips were slightly agape. The faded t-shirt swallowed her small frame, while biker shorts peeked from under the cloth.

"Ms.Caddell, How nice it is for you to join us. Please, take a seat."

Her breathing slowed as she made her way to her seat while the eyes of students followed her to it.

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