Care Keeps His Watch | XXXIX

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"Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, and then I remember your face and I'm ready for the war

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"Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, and then I remember your face and I'm ready for the war."

— Wiz Khalifa

* - NSFW: Detailed sex scene,  if you are uncomfortable — please skip over it.

JULES STARED AS RAHEEM pulled on a shirt from the other side of her bed.

Her fingers fumbled with the bottom of her obsidian golf skirt after tucking in a black polo decorated with white paneling on either side.

She stepped over to the mirror to flatten out the top of her hair with her hands before strapping on an onyx visor.

Rah made his way behind her, tying a white cardigan over her shoulders before kissing the nape of her neck.

"The short ass skirt takes away from how goofy you look." He chuckled into her hair, "Like something straight out of a private school brochure."

Raheem's hands neared by her thighs before slowly slipping under her skirt and resting at her pelvis.

"I don't mind it though," He whispered while looking toward her in the mirror.

"Of course you don't, you have the raging hormones of a thirteen year old boy." She insulted.

"Your age is showing." He shot back while resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Keep talkin' and the little white balls on the field won't be the only pair I'm swinging at." She threatened while grabbing a purse.

Raheem smacked his lips before sitting down on her bed, "So what am I supposed to do 'till you get back? Campus is dead as fuck on the weekends -- especially Saturday mornings."

"Transparent enough to admit that your world revolves around me?" She turned to him with a smirk.

"You're always in my face, the annoyance has become a sort of ritual now." He deflected while scrolling on his phone.

"If I lied like that, I would believe it too McDaniels." Jules told him, "But since you have nothing else to preoccupy yourself with until my return -- I have something I need you to do for me."

He scoffed with sarcasm, "And what's that your highness?"

"I need you to go to the beauty supply store down the street and pick me up some of that sandalwood scented shea butter, some of that soap that looks like marble, and another vial of Eat me Raw." She instructed.

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