Cupid's Wings | XLVI

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"Everything will eventually come to an end, So try to savor the moment, cause time flies, don't it?"

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"Everything will eventually come to an end, So try to savor the moment, cause time flies, don't it?"

* - NSFW: Detailed sex scene,  if you are uncomfortable — please skip over it.

RAHEEM'S FACE WAS KISSED by the moonlight. She left a silver glow along the slope of his jaw with her lips as he sat up in bed.

A lone light in the bathroom stained a yellow tinted strip among the wall as the shower ran. He drowsily rubbed his forehead before bringing the bed sheets to his bare chest.

The smell of perfume lowly lingered from the fabric, surrendering from the other body that occupied them just moments before.

Rah cracked his neck while clearing his throat from previous rest. He knew he hadn't slept too long, though it felt like he hadn't opened his eyes in a week's time.

As the shower water ceased and a curtain was drawn back, he waited for her patiently. His hands clasped each other in his lap while the orbiting moon showcased a glint in his golden chain.

The door creaked open even more, slowly revealing a damp brown body that held a forest green towel to its chest.

In one hand was a shower cap, while the other held a knot in the middle of the fabric.

She set it gently on a knob behind the door before settling in front of it. Her shoulder leaned on the side of the door frame as she created distance between them.

  "So you gonna leave, or stay and actually talk to me?" He squinted at her within the night.

Jules gathered her hair with her hand before expelling a sign.

It was heavy enough to drop her arm back at her thigh as she responded.

  "Well I don't want to leave," She started to explain while crossing her arms at her chest.

He took her image into his focus, her beauty as clear as it was the other day. He'd never truly forget how beautiful Jules was, no matter how much he teased her.

  "Then don't." Raheem urged transparently as he rose from the bed.

The sound of his feet traveling across the wooden floor was loud enough to drown the music of a nocturnal symphony outside.

  "But I don't know if I should." She finished while drawing her body back from his closeness.

Her indecisiveness frustrated him even more.

He hadn't seen Jules consistently in days, the silence they shared that once was peace --- felt like pain.

For once, he'd wanted Jules to say something cynical, to make some smart ass remark that would leave them both teasing one another until they settled in each other's arms.

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