Chapter 1: Bloodlust

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The summertime air was a warm breeze, carrying the faint scent of honey and flowers wherever it went. Night had taken over the sky, leaving hundreds of thousands of stars overhead to guide travelers to their destination. Sadly, they were impossible to see through the thick canopy of branches and leaves overhead, yet glimpses of moonlight managed to slip through the cracks of the greenery.

He was a rather well-dressed man, with an appearance that didn't match the outdoor labor that he was doing now. His clothes were fine and clean, unlike what most peasants wore. He wore a loose-fitting blouse with long sleeves and a ruffle collar on the front, known as a poet's shirt to most. Along with that he had deep brown trousers and black leather boots, with a rather simple cloak to complete his attire.

Normally, he wouldn't be out this late. It was a dangerous endeavor, especially as he wandered through the wild and twisted woods. The forest was on the outskirts of the kingdom, overtaken by lush plants and dense bramble. Very few were brave enough to travel through the forest, rumors of bloodthirsty monsters that lived in the wilderness causing many to avoid the area.

Frankly, Mumbo wasn't one to be superstitious. The rumors were nothing more than stories created to scare off anyone who would try to come near. He assumed that the legends of so-called 'beasts' were created to prevent young children from wandering into the forest, yet somehow it seemed to have gotten out of hand. It was surprising how many had fallen for the tall tale, it even seemed like the ruler over the kingdom believed that the forest was filled with mythical creatures.

Yet that was all nonsense. Mumbo was a sensible man, he knew better than to believe a story made for children. So, here he was, wandering through the woods. One hand gripped the handle of a worn-out axe, its blade dull with bits of orange rust beginning to form. The other hand had a burlap sack thrown over his shoulder, filled with bits of sticks and firewood.

It was ridiculous, doing all this hard work late at night. But the heat of a midsummer's day was unbearable, along with the swarms of bugs that would undoubtedly follow him through his tasks. Even with the shade of the trees, it would be much too hot to work effectively.

Mumbo didn't normally chop firewood. He was actually a bit of an engineer, really. The king would hire him to design all sorts of contraptions. It was mostly bits and bobs like drawbridges or a pulley system, things that were relatively simple to design. Still, it paid quite well. But when he wasn't working for the king, he would help out at a bakery that was owned by a close friend. That was actually what he was doing now.

Stressmonster was her name. She owned a quaint little shop that sold bread for all those who lived in the kingdom, which could be rather demanding. She ran out of firewood for the oven, so Mumbo volunteered to go out and gather more. The brunette resisted at first, she was one to believe all the fables and folktales, but it wasn't long until she eventually gave in.

He dropped the sack of firewood, which landed against the long grass with a soft thud. A tree has fallen in a small clearing, leaving plenty of wood to be easily gathered. Mumbo chuckled to himself, raising the axe over his head before chopping off one of the large branches that had sprouted off the main trunk.

With all the rumors of 'beasts' living here, no one would dare gather the valuable resources that the forest held. Wood could sell for quite a high price, as it was essential for building and expanding the kingdom. Normally, this forest would have been torn down to make room for new homes and structures for the village. But instead, the king decided to expand in the opposite direction, even going so far as to trade for building supplies from other lands instead of harvesting the trees from the woods.

'What does it matter,' Mumbo shrugged as he swung the axe down onto the trunk of the tree. 'More wood for me, then.'

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