Chapter 12: Controlled

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Wels woke up with a start, feeling like he had been asleep for weeks. He quickly sat up with a gasp, the heavy armor he had been used to no longer weighing him down. The knight was left in a wool sweater and his brown trousers, with his weapons missing as well. He glanced around at his surroundings, which was some unfamiliar bedroom of sorts. The floor was dirt and the walls were made of tree bark, decorated with nothing more than the bed he slept in.

There was a curtain for a door, leading out to the rest of the home. Suspicious of what was going on, Wels pulled himself out of the covers and crept out of bed, careful not to make a sound. He slightly pulled back the cloth, peering out into the other room. There sat the vampire that had attacked him, drinking from a wooden cup. Suddenly the previous night came back to Wels, the memories of being attacked. He grasped his wrist with wide eyes, staring down at the bite mark.

It wasn't a dream.

"Up already?" A voice came from behind, the knight stumbling forward and falling against the bed in shock. It was as if the vampire had suddenly appeared behind him, to the point where Wels could feel his breath on his neck.

"S-stay back." Wels growled, the palms of his hands gripping at the wool bed sheets. The vampire was tall, his white hair slightly fallen in his face as he stepped closer to the human. His expression was cocky, his ruby red eyes glowing in the candlelight.

"It's quite alright." He said, kneeling in front of the knight. The vampire dragged his cold fingertips against his prey's cheek, slowly trailing down his neck. "I already told you, I'm going to keep you safe."

"Yeah right." Wels scoffed, paralyzed in place.

Grabbing his chin, the vampire forced their eyes to meet. Suddenly haze took over the knight's mind as he stared into the vampire's eyes, watching as the glow of red flickered through dark irises. It felt like the world around him was fading away, like nothing else mattered but this stranger before him. Slowly, so slowly, it barely seemed possible to move, the vampire leaned close, their noses brushing together.

Their lips were moments apart, the vampire pressing Wels against the mattress. "Better?" He asked, his voice quiet and calm. Wels couldn't help but nod, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the creature before him. It was like all he could hear was the vampire's voice, soft and sweet like honey in his ear.

The vampire moved even closer until their bodies were flush against each other. They continued to gaze into each others' eyes, both holding steady. Their chests were rising and falling slowly, the air thick between them. The vampire took Wels hand in his own, lifting his limp arm to his mouth before sinking his teeth into his flesh. Wels didn't even flinch.

His fangs sunk into the knight's wrist, blood slowly trickling down and dripping onto the ground. Wels watched with awe as the vampire drank, his forked tongue dragging against the bloody wound. He placed his mouth against the bite marks and sucked, drinking his fill before the wound magically sealed back up.

Pulling away, the vampire licked the remaining bits of blood off his lips, all while Wels watched him do so. He let out a shaky breath, still dazed by the scene before him. The vampire finally looked him in the eye, and grinned. "Delicious." He breathed softly, reaching out to run his fingers gently across Wels' cheek.

He felt calm. At peace. Even as the vampire began to drag his claws through his blonde hair, twirling strands of it around his finger. His chest was pressed against the monster's, their breathing in sync with one another. He knew he should have been against this, should have been fighting against the vampire...

They locked eyes again, and suddenly the red of his pupils flashed, filling his mind with calm and red. His eyelids felt heavy, though he wasn't sleepy. He couldn't stop looking at those mesmerizing crimson eyes, unable to look anywhere else.

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now