Chapter 3: Monsters

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Grian was walking along the cobble path back home, as the streets began to clear. The sun was falling over the horizon, dropping out of view behind the palace that towered over the rest of the kingdom. Guards were lighting the streetlight candles to provide some kind of glow to combat the darkness, though the lanterns would only light the streets for as long as the candles inside of them would burn. It would be long enough for most to return home safely, though it wouldn't last the night.

He had stopped by a few other places, as the architect had been distracted after his visit with Iskall and Stress. He stopped by a few shops to pick up necessities, quills and ink, along with paper for sketching up designs. The items rested in a bag that was slung across his body, made of fine leather and intricate stitching. Scar had gifted it to him before he had left to travel, and even years later it still managed to last without falling apart.

"You better hurry inside," one knight called from atop a ladder, lighting the candle within the streetlight. "Beasts roam the streets at this time."

"Beasts?" He raised an eyebrow in suspension, "I haven't been gone too long, where have all these monsters come from in the last few years?"

"Well, after the king's death, they started to become more frequent in attacks. Prince— or rather, king Scar has been attempting to stop them, though to no avail. We've managed to capture a few, though more beasts remain." The guard explained, before pointing further down the street. "There's a station down there with wanted posters hung along a wooden board. Hunters can bring beasts back there to collect a bounty."

'Oh, right,' Grian thought to himself. 'Iskall was talking about that.'

"Speaking of which—" the soldier mentioned as a new figure rode down the street, sitting on a horse that pulled a wooden cage that seemed to be on wheels. "—that's one of the hunters now."

The man atop the horse pulled at the reins, causing the animal to let out a whine as it came to a stop. "Wels, the king still has you on candle duty?" He chuckled to the knight, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Xisuma." He rolled his eyes, "He does. And I'm fine with it. I signed up to protect the kingdom, and that's what I'm doing."

"I don't see what lighting a path does with protection, but if you insist." The hunter shrugged, before his gaze shifted to the shorter male. "And who might your little friend be?"

"Grian," he spoke for himself. "I work as the king's lead architect."

"My, lead architect to the king? Maybe he could get you a promotion." X teased the guard slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you then, Grian. I am Xisuma, and I see you've already met Welsknight."

Xisuma seemed to be a secretive man, his mouth and nose hidden away by a dark purple mask. His long cloak matched the color, with a hood pulled over his chestnut hair that seemed to fall to his shoulders. Wels wore the regular armor that royal knights around the kingdom had, his ruffled blonde hair hidden underneath his helmet.

"Well, not officially." The builder gave a laugh, "He and I were simply having a short conversation. Though it is nice to meet you both."

"We should probably get inside before it gets any darker." Wels suggested, with Xisuma giving a nod in agreement.

"I can give you two a ride." The bounty hunter offered, "I need to drop this demon off first, though."

Grian peered into the darkness of the cage, and sure enough something was inside of it. Huddle in a corner was what seemed to be a man, though with completely red eyes. His golden blonde hair was dirtied with mud and sticks, like he had been chased, and the robe he wore seemed to be old and falling apart. "What...what is he?" The architect asked, as the creature in the cage clearly wasn't human.

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