Chapter 11: Blush

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Footsteps echoed through the damp and darkened halls of the dungeon, most beasts and demons cowering in the corners of their cells to hide away from the man who walked by. Scar glanced between each and every one of the jail cells, making sure to have a good look at each individual creature as he walked slowly.

"Well, well!" Etho leaned against the bars of his cage, his fangs showing through his dark grin. "I didn't realize it was time for our monthly visit. My, how the time flies. Finally ready to let me out?"

Scar stared at him for a few moments, his gaze hard to identify. The king glanced at the cell across from Etho, paying no attention to the kitsune as he approached the demon's cell. The blond monster hissed and growled, his feet pushing against the stone floor to try and push him further into the corner, and away from the king.

"Tango." Scar spoke, his voice darker than usual as his hands grasped on the metal bars. The demon paused, almost a little afraid, yet more confused.

"How..." He began to speak, swallowing the lump in his throat. "How d-do you k-know my n-name?"

Etho's eyes widened as he spoke. "You talk?!" The fox hybrid asked, bewildered. "Why haven't you been talking to me?! I've been trying to get you to speak since you got down here!"

Tango crossed his arms. "I don't talk to rats." He sneered, a slight flame bursting off his thin tail. The demon looked back at Scar, growling enough to show his sharp fangs. "And what do you want?"

"No harm." Said the king, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small sheet of paper that had been folded into a rectangular. "I'm just delivering this to you."

Hesitant, Tango stayed in the corner of his cell, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Scar laughed a little, shaking his head as he bent down, sliding the paper underneath the bars of the prison.

"Sorry, I understand your hesitation. Let me reveal myself."

The king took a few steps backwards, lowering his head as his hands fell to his side. Suddenly his form melted away into a shadowy blob of darkness that was somewhat in the shape of a person. Etho looked a mix of disgusted and horrified, while Tango looked ecstatic upon seeing the demon.

"It's you!" He grinned with eyes brimming with hope, the monster leaping up from his corner and rushing over to the bars. "You came to save us!"

"Uh, who exactly is this?" Etho asked, bearing his teeth at the strange entity.

"I do not have a name." The shapeshifter said, "I am a being with many names. But for now, you may call me Wels, for that is the name of the form I've been using."

He shifted back into the aforementioned knight, putting Etho a bit more at ease with a more 'human' figure to speak to. "Yeah, I'm not calling you that." He muttered, before looking up with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes. "Ooh! How about Hels?"

"Call me whatever you like." Hels said, turning back to Tango. "We were able to capture this knight, and I've taken his place to infiltrate the castle."

"You came to let us out?" Tango asked hopefully, though his eyes saddened as Hels shook his head.

"It's too risky now." The shapeshifter explained, "There are more guards than ever before. Even if I released every demon in this prison, we would still be outnumbered."

"But those humans don't have magic!" Tango tried to argue.

"But they could still kill us. This mission is meant to be one of no casualties."

"Not even human casualties?" The demon asked with an angry huff.

"We don't want to cause any more trouble." Hels sighed, shaking his head. "I promise, there will be a time when I can free you and take you home. Just wait and stay strong."

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