Chapter 23: Vexed

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"Then you're a liar and a hypocrite," TFC snarled while flashing his teeth, red eyes burning with hatred. "Preaching this hatred of us monsters, only to be one yourself? Soon enough those subjects of yours will find out, and you'll be burned at the stake, just like any of us."

Scar laughed, his sharp teeth illuminated in the torchlight. "Humans are dense fools. For generations, they have been ruled by beasts, yet they bow unknowingly to us." The king raised his hand to the ceiling, his palm closing into a fist. His eyes glowed an icy blue, while his face was twisted into a cruel grin.

"But, what exactly are you?" Ex studied him up and down, spotting no inhuman features.

"I am a creature so rare that humans know not of our name, but my kind has been around for quite some time." He flashed a smile, eyes dark as his hands gripped the silver bars of the vampire's cage. Smoke wafted from between his clenched fingers, though he refused to flinch as the silver seared his flesh.

The elder vampire looked past the king, making eye contact with his royal advisor. "Well? How do you feel about your leader being a liar? A beast even worse than us?!" TFC yelled out, lunging forward despite the chain around his neck.

Bdubs stood in silence, his face covered in shadows while he held a torch. He didn't react to being yelled at, he barely moved. Scar strolled away from Ex's cell, his hands held behind his back as he walked into view of TFC. "Sorry to disappoint. My friend isn't exactly here right now."

"What did you do to him?" The older man growled, eyes narrowing at the king.

"Nothing that you haven't done before," Scar giggled as he shrugged. "Beasts like us, we have to take advantage of others to survive, don't we?"

"Don't act like we're so similar. All my people ever wanted was a sanctuary away from humans. Unlike you, I provided for them, rather than use my powers for my own selfish gain." TFC spat with venom in his voice.

"Oh, you're so high and mighty." The king rolled his eyes.

"He's better than you!" Ex shouted from his cell, his words bouncing off with an echo in the stone dungeon.

"Tsk," Scar turned away from the vampires, snatching the torch from his advisor. He turned back to the cell, his gaze icy and filled with hatred. "I should just burn you beasts. Have mercy on your worthless lives."

After a moment, he lowered the torch, letting out a quiet sigh. "But no. I need you. I won't let you escape through death. Not when I'm so close."

"Close to what?" Ex spoke again, the chains around him jingling as he shifted on the stone flooring of his cell. "You haven't even told us what the hell you are!"

"All you need to know is that I'm powerful enough to kill you." He said with a voice firm and serious, "Powerful enough to bring this entire kingdom to its knees with a simple wave of my hand."

TFC stared at him, the two sharing a gaze for a few silent moments. Then his eyes widened in realization. "Wait a moment," The vampire muttered. "I remember now. You're a vex king."

"A what now?" Ex raised his eyebrow, looking over at the stone wall that separated him and TFC.

"A vex king. A ruler chosen by the creatures of chaos and anger. They bestow their powers unto an heir, a chosen figure that will lead their kind into the destruction of humanity and the era of chaos." His eyes narrowed at the king, whose grin only spread further along his lips as TFC continued.

"My, my! Someone's smarter than he looks." Scar giggled, "I guess you caught me! But out of everyone, I knew you'd be the one to figure it out..."

"Tin, what's he on about?" Cleo looked towards the elder, concern clear across her face as they noticed the dread growing in his eyes.

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