Chapter 28: Breaking Point

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The door to Mumbo's prison was kicked open forcefully, causing the vampire to lift his head off the ground and look towards the exit. Truthfully, he thought it had been Grian, as he had hoped the human had returned to stay by his side. Though color drained from his already-pale face as he watched Scar storm into the room, the king boiling over with anger.

"You." He clenched his teeth, a cold gaze kept on the vampire. Mumbo shrunk under his stare, trying his best to slink into the shadows of his prison. Scar approached him with clenched fists, before raising a hand and striking the vampire across his face.

The slap hit him harder than he expected, possibly due to his weakened state, Mumbo looking up at the king with wide eyes filled with horror. He had a hand placed over the cheek where Scar had hit him, pain still searing from the blow.

Scar grabbed Mumbo by the throat, lifting him off the ground before shoving him up against the stony wall of his prison. His shackles rattled in the heavy silence, as the vampire held his breath in wait for the king to speak.

After a moment of Scar fuming and huffing, refusing to speak as he held Mumbo by the throat, the king's grip tightened around the monster's neck. His eyes darkened slightly as his posture straightened. "I should just have you executed." He growled, his voice cold and detached from any emotion besides rage.

He eventually released his grip on Mumbo, causing the vampire to fall to the ground with a thud, coughing and wheezing as his throat ached from the abuse inflicted upon him. Scar pulled back his leg and kicked Mumbo in the stomach, anger flashing across his expression.

"You are NOTHING MORE THAN A PIECE OF MONSTER SCUM." He spat out the insult, grabbing Mumbo by the collar of his shirt to lift him off of the cobblestone flooring. "All you are is USELESS dirt underneath me. I should have you KILLED, you disgusting creature."

Mumbo remained silent, other than any soft whimpers from the pain radiating throughout his body. With the silver chains weakening him severely, every attack from Scar sent waves of agony coursing through his body. The vampire just bit his tongue and took the attacks, both verbal and physical, trying his best not to enrage Scar further.

Scar carelessly tossed him back against the ground, Mumbo crumpling into a ball as he was thrown against the floor. The king stepped on him, the faint snap of cracking bones echoing through the prison. Finally Mumbo screamed out in pain, unable to hold back the scream from escaping his throat.

"I already have two vampires.." Scar spoke to himself, pulling back his cloak to reveal a silver dagger tucked in his belt. "I don't need a third. Especially not a fledgling."

His hand curled around the leather handle, slowly pulling the blade from the belt. Mumbo's eyes were focused on the silver of the weapon, horror causing his heart to thump against his chest, as the world seemed to move in slow motion. Scar knelt beside the vampire, grabbing his chin to force Mumbo to remain still.

The blade was slowly dragged against Mumbo's skin, leaving a line of black burns that melted into his skin. He bit down on his chin to prevent himself from screaming, though tears from the pain began to spill out of his eyes.

"Maybe I'm being too harsh." Scar tilted his head to the side, his eyes glassy and somewhat empty as he spoke aloud. "Other kingdoms would be thrilled to have a vampire. I bet you'd be able to fetch a rather high price. Or maybe I should kill you in front of all those creatures in the basement, make an example out of you."

Mumbo felt his heart jump to his throat, globs of fat tears rolling down his cheeks as the knife continued dragging against his jawline. The blade didn't even need to cut him to cause pain, as the silver from the weapon was enough to burn the vampire's skin.

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now