Chapter 4: Hypnotized

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"You just had to lure him back here, didn't you?"

"Oh please, I was just hungry! I didn't mean to be followed!"

"You know we shouldn't go near the city, it's too dangerous. We need to take him back before he wakes up, he could expose us. If the king finds out about us—"

"Come on, he won't find out if one villager goes missing! Plus, now I have a stable source of food! We'll be fine!"

"We are not keeping him as a blood source for you! You're going to get everyone here killed, Xavier!"

"Boys! Stop it! He's waking up!"

The three voices went silent for a few moments, their bickering coming to a sudden halt. Grian was barely conscious, though he could hear the voices arguing faintly. Someone, or rather, something, poked his face. It felt like a claw with some sort of fuzz or fur that tickled his cheek, though it pulled away quickly. "He seems fine." One voice said gruffly.

"Do you think he's going to hurt us?" A feminine voice asked in a rather scared tone.

"Please. He couldn't hurt us even if he tried."

"Stop it, Xavier. Arrogance will be the downfall of us. We can't take risks like this, interacting with humans. It'll expose us."

"Come on. I can make him forget even meeting us with a snap of my fingers. Here, I'll drag him back now if you really want me to."

"Please do. And hurry, you don't have much time before the sun comes up. And please, just stick to ANIMAL blood."

Someone grabbed the collar of his shirt, lifting Grian off of the ground like a limp doll. He tried to remain perfectly still, whatever had kidnapped him was clearly bloodthirsty, some kind of beast most likely. But then again, why would it speak with such fluency, as if they were human. As if they weren't truly beasts. Though, Grian had been kidnapped to be drained of his blood. So, he wasn't exactly sure who, or what, to believe.

"I'll drop him off at the edge of the forest." Said the main voice in a rather annoyed tone. "Guards won't even know I'm there. I'll be in and out."

"And if he wakes up?" The gruff voice asked.

"I'll just lull him back to sleep with hypnosis, easy. He won't remember a thing. You gotta love vampire powers, huh?"

So he was a vampire. One of the more human-like beasts from what Grian had heard, and yet one of the most deadly creatures to ever roam the earth. Beasts with unmatched power, monsters with the urge to drink the blood of humans. If he hadn't been convinced otherwise, this vampire could have drained Grian of every last drop of blood. Once he was returned back to the village, the architect could head to Scar and tell him all about the monsters hiding out in the forest. The king would have them captured in no time at all.

"It might be best to wake him up." The feminine voice suggested.

"What? Gem, are you crazy? Humans are dangerous!"

"I know, but something about him" Grian felt something poke his stomach as the female monster spoke, as if they were testing to see if he was really asleep. "Just in case, Xavier can wipe his memories of all of this happening and have him walk back to the village, without any recollection of being attacked..."

"Hm...It might be the smartest move. After all, you did talk to this human before dragging him back here. He could alert someone. We could get found out."

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now