Chapter 27: Kiss

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Mumbo had his head resting against Grian's chest, cuddled up against the human for warmth and comfort. He was so tired, his body so weak. The silver hurt him, it burned every time he moved, each time the chains brushed up against his skin. hurt a little less now that he was in Grian's arms.

"Please, let me give you some blood. You need strength." Grian begged, his voice desperate as he held the vampire. Mumbo shook his head ever so slightly, the chains around his neck jangling softly with the movement.

"Don't want to hurt you.." He mumbled, shutting his eyes.

Grian was holding back tears, trying not to cry. He didn't want to see Mumbo like this. Weak, tired, helpless. The human looked up, eyes pleading as he glanced at Wels and Xisuma. "X, d-don't you have some blood vials? P-please, Mumbo—" The man choked on his own words, holding back his sobs.

The hunter nodded, pulling back his cloak to reveal his belt. He had a silver dagger tucked away, along with a few wooden stakes, and some small glass bottles filled with red. "It's not much—" Xisuma said as he pulled one of the vials off of his belt. "—but it should give Mumbo some strength. Still, those chains are pure silver. He'll be extremely weak."

He knelt beside Grian and the vampire, popping the cork off of the bottle. Mumbo's eyes immediately opened at the scent, and he sniffed the air curiously. Xisuma brought the bottle to the vampire's lips, tilting the bottle slightly upwards. Mumbo drank up the crimson blood, humming appreciatively as it trickled down his throat.

Mumbo's head fell back into Grian's lap once he finished, a bit of color returning to the vampire's pale skin. His eyes looked clearer, as he seemed to come back to the moment with a bit more consciousness than before. "Thank you," he huffed out. "I feel much better already.."


"I'm alright, Grian." The vampire gave a tiny smile, looking up at the human with exhausted eyes. "I promise. Just a bit tired."

"I don't want to leave you," Said Grian as he dragged a thumb along Mumbo's cheek, staring down at the vampire with teary eyes. "Scar—, h-he's going to hurt you—"

"I'll be okay." Mumbo said with a groan as he sat up, the shackles clattering as he moved. He tucked a bit of Grian's messy hair behind his ear, his hand trailing down the human's cheek.

Xisuma looked at the pair, then to Wels. "Come on," he said, grabbing the knight by the wrist. "Let's wait outside."

"Wait—, hu-?!" Before Wels could speak up he was dragged out of the cell, the heavy door shutting behind them.

Grian looked back at Mumbo, smirking a bit with a slight giggle. "Guess it's pretty obvious, huh?" He said with teary eyes, though they seemed to be happy tears now.

Mumbo cracked a smile, pressing his forehead against Grian's. "Obvious to everyone except us." He replied fondly. The vampire leaned forward, pressing his lips to Grian's in a gentle kiss.

They sat like that for a few moments, lips connected in a loving embrace. It felt good, being together like this again. After being torn apart, being forced apart, Mumbo was so grateful to have someone who cared about him. Someone who loved him. Someone he wanted nothing more than to protect.

Grian broke away first, slowly and reluctant to leave Mumbo's lips. He smirked a bit, their noses touching. "I can still taste a bit of blood," he teased playfully.

The vampire laughed a bit, kissing along Grian's cheek and down his neck. "Sorry," he mumbled into the human's skin, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. "I just—, felt like it was the right time. I've waited too long already."

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now