Chapter 6: Guarded

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Grian opened the door to his bedroom, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he stepped out into the hallway of the castle. There was a knight standing guard beside the entrance to his guest room, their face plate lowered so that the architect couldn't make out their facial features. He held a long spear with a silver end, while also having a sword in the holster on his waist.

He didn't pay much mind to the guard, turning to head to the dining hall to meet the king. Though, as he walked, the rattling of metal armor came from behind. Grian stopped, looking over his shoulder, only to see the knight stopped a few feet away from him.

"Um..hello." Said Grian with an awkward tone. "Is something wrong?"

"I have been assigned to guard you, sir." The knight said firmly.

Puzzled, Grian blinked. "Guard me? I don't need to be guarded."

"I'm afraid you do, sir." He said, lifting his face plate to reveal his cold blue eyes. "It seems as though you were attacked."

"Wait—, Wels?" The architect asked, remembering the knight he had met on patrol of the streets a while back. "And attacked? I don't remember being attacked! What on earth is going on?"

The knight removed his helmet, allowing for his dusty blonde hair to fall out of the headgear. He gestured down the hallway, still holding a serious gaze in his eyes. "King Scar is planning to explain everything, though he is a very busy man. He's waiting for you down in the dining hall, so we should hurry to meet him."

Grian frowned, tugging on the fabric of his tunic. "Al-alright." He said with hesitation, a sudden feeling of dread filling the pit of his stomach. What on earth was going on?

Wels took the lead down the hallway, Grian following the knight close behind. There was silence as they walked, the only sound coming from the armor-clad footsteps and the clanging of heavy metal armor. There were guards waiting outside the dining hall doors, as well as more knights inside with the king.

Scar was sitting at the head of the table, scribbling something down on pages of notes he had, when the tip of his quill broke off. He groaned underneath his breath, setting down the pen as he leaned back in his throne. As he used his thumb and index finger to rub his eyelids, he noticed Grian and Wels enter. "Ah, there you are." Said the king, visibly relaxing slightly upon seeing Grian safe and sound.

He gestured to the seat across from him at the other head of the table, which Wels pulled out for him to sit. "Scar, what is going on?" The architect asked with worry, noticing the increased number of guards in the room.

"You remember that little 'problem' I mentioned to you?" The king asked, tilting his head slightly as he leaned back in his throne. His face was cast in a shadow, while his normally kind eyes seemed colder than usual. "—That beast, to be more specific. The one in the forest that has been attacking our kingdom?"

Grian slightly nodded. "Yeah, is that was this is all about?"

"Mm. Another attack was found."

"Really? On who?"


There was silence, then an awkward laugh from the architect. "Okay Scar, good try. You were always kinda bad with pranks." He said while rising from his seat, only for the knight to place his hand on Grian's shoulder.

Wels shook his head, lifting up his helmet slightly. Through the warped reflection on the armor, two faint marks rested on Grian's neck. He slowly dragged his finger over them, flinching at the sealed holes. It was like he was bit by something. Once realization hit him, the architect's face went pale, as he slowly sunk back into his seat.

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