Chapter 10: Mystery

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"It's time we got you back home." Mumbo said the next morning, just as the sun began to slowly rise over the horizon. The vampire watched from the safety of his tiny hut, peering out the windows as the morning light managed to slip between the overhanging leaves of the treetops. "If I hadn't been with you...You could have gotten killed. This forest isn't a safe place for humans. I...I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

"But I won't get hurt! Mumbo, please!" Grian begged, his eyes filled with hurt. Slowly, the vampire shook his head, his back facing the human as he stared out of the window and into the forest.

The vampire didn't say anything. He was just so tired. "Mumbo please—" Grian tried again, reaching forward. He flinched as Grian grabbed his hand, though slightly relaxed under the human's soft touch. "I'm...I'm sorry." The architect said, his gaze falling to the floor. "I just want to help you."

Mumbo sighed, closing his eyes as he shook his head. "Nono, I'm sorry. I know you just want to help me. But...I can't be helped, Grian. Everyone sees me as a beast, I'm being hunted. You're putting yourself at risk, with both the humans and monsters, to try and help someone you barely know."

He turned to face the human, staring into his golden irises. His crimson eyes stared back, saddened and afraid. "I just think it would be better for you to stay away from me." Mumbo whispered softly, turning away once more. The tension was palpable.

Grian's hold tightened, the human squeezing Mumbo's hand slightly. "Please, I want to help you. I'm friends with the king, I can make him listen to reason—"

"But why?" Mumbo interrupted, squeezing Grian's hand in response while shutting his eyes. When he opened them again, they were beginning to fill with tears. "Why...why do you even want to help me..? Why do you care?"

There was another moment of silence before Grian spoke up again, the human placing a hand on Mumbo's cheek to wipe away the slight tear that managed to escape the corner of his eye. "Because no one deserves to be exiled like this, monster or not. And you are not a monster."

Mumbo pulled away, taking in a shaky breath before letting out a heavy sigh. "You don't know that." He muttered, turning his head away from the human. "Just let me take you home."

"...okay." Grian said, pulling away and crossing his arms. "I won't stay with you anymore. But I want to visit."

He looked a bit taken aback, the vampire blinking in surprise as his cheeks turned slightly pink. "Vuh—...visit?"

"You're my friend!" Grian smiled, the expression softening his features. "I won't stay with you, but every night I'll come to the edge of the forest and meet you! That way you won't be so alone. And once Scar knows you aren't a threat, he'll be happy to have you in the kingdom, you'll see!"

"Wuh...That doesn't—" Mumbo spluttered, looking down at the ground bashfully. "That doesn't...I-I mean..." He paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say. After a moment, he sighed in defeat, before smiling slightly. "Okay. I'll be honest, having you visit every now and then sounds rather nice. I've forgotten how great it is to actually talk to another person..."

"Great! Then it's settled."

"I suppose it is." Mumbo nodded, his cheeks still slightly rosy. "Oh but, what about that friend of yours? The one we were supposed to look for?"

"Oh my gosh, Wels!" Grian gasped, the color draining from his face as he remembered the knight. "I can't believe I forgot about him, oh I feel so stupid! He must be worried, he's probably found his way back to the castle by now!"

"I'll take you to the edge of the forest, you can see if he's at the castle. If he isn't, the two of us will search for him tonight." The vampire suggested, causing Grian to nod in agreement.

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now