Chapter 5: Dungeon

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To clarify last chapter and future chapters: In Vampire lore it is described that humans receive pleasure when vampires feed on them, which can become addictive. Sort of like how vaping can be an addictive moment of pleasure (also please don't vape it bad). So uh yeah I'm trying to make this 'lore accurate' so if you know any monster facts feel free to let me know!


Grian stumbled through the doors of the throne room, papers and scrolls falling out of his hold as he rushed down the hall with panic clear on his face. He practically fell over in front of the throne, kneeling before the king with a dirtied appearance. "S-sir! I-I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to show up so late to our meeting, everything is a blur, and I—"

Scar laughed, his crown slightly crooked on his head. "G, come on. It's okay!" Said the king, rising from his seat and walking down the steps. He took off his crown, handing it to his royal advisor. "But jeez, you don't look so good. Is everything okay?"

"Um, I-I think I got lost in the forest last night." The architect muttered, rising back to his feet while trying to collect the papers he dropped. "I don't really remember much. Like I said, it's really all a blur."

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up. I have a royal tailor to make you some brand new clothes." Scar pointed out, Grian's tunic and trousers rather maimed and dirty.

"O-oh, I couldn't-"

"Please," He smiled. "I insist. You're my friend, Grian. I can't allow you to run around covered in mud, now can I?"

He gave a sigh in defeat. "Alright Scar, you win. But what about our meeting?"

"Bdubs can reschedule it." The ruler laughed while waving his hand dismissively. His assistant grumbled underneath his breath at that, though remained quiet otherwise. "Come now, the servants should lead you to the washroom. They'll have you cleaned up and fed in no time."

Scar walked Grian to one of the doors off to the side of the throne room, which would lead deeper into the castle. "Oh? What about you?" Asked the builder, causing the king to laugh once more.

"My work is sadly never done. I have way too much I need to catch up on. I'll meet you in the grand hall for lunch, alright?"

"Okay then... I guess I'll see you at lunch." Grian smiled, walking out of the throne room and into the hall. He was escorted by a servant who had been waiting there, the king and his assistant watching as they walked out of view.

As he disappeared round the corner, the smile across Scar's face fell into a frown. His royal advisor placed a hand on the king's shoulder, equally as concerned as the ruler. "You heard what he said, didn't you?" Bdubs asked, his voice hushed.

Brushing his hand off of him, Scar nodded as he walked towards his throne. "Of course I did. And I saw those marks on his neck."

Eyes widening, Bdubs paused. "Marks? You mean—"

"Yes, right on the neck. I spotted them when he was trying to collect his things." The king said, reaching up towards a torch mounted on an iron holster against the wall.

He tugged at it like a lever, causing a faint 'click' to ring through the throne room. Then began a heavy rumbling, his seat slowly shifting towards the side to reveal a hidden staircase underneath. Scar lifted the burning torch out of the iron wall mount, handing it towards his assistant. "Come." He said, beginning to walk down the stairs. "I believe we deserve some answers."

The two walked down the stone staircase, the faint sound of dripping water echoing alongside their footsteps. The only light was the orange of the torch that Bdubs held, which glowed dimly in the cold dungeon air. The stairs spiraled further and further, heading deep underneath the castle, far below the earth. As they reached the end, two guards stood behind a heavy iron door. One guard opened the door, gesturing for the king to enter.

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