Chapter 22: Revelation

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Xisuma was sharpening his knife, his back against one of the pillars in the throne room. The hunter looked up from his blade, glancing towards Iskall, who had been pacing back and forth. "Calm yourself." X said, tucking away his knife.

"I-it's hard," Iskall shook their head, eyes focused on the castle flooring as they continued to pace. "I don't know if the woman I fell in love with is even real. What if she was always a spy for the vampires? Is she still under his control?"

"Relax. She's going to be just fine. As long as she's been separated from those beasts, her mind should start to clear after a few days."

"You were lucky we didn't throw her in a cell with the other monsters." Wels spoke as he entered the room, a hand on the shoulder of Stress as he walked her towards her partner. Her wrists were tied together in rope, and she seemed less than pleased to see them.

Iskall rushed to see her, placing their hands on her cheeks. "Stress, dear, are you hurt?"

Her eyes were cold and angry, though she refused to speak. She even pulled away from Iskall's touch. She practically turned her nose up in disgust at even being in the presence of the hunters.

"We caught her during the attack on that monster village. Seems like that shapeshifter that impersonated me must have taken her back there." Wels explained to Iskall and Xisuma, "She was probably used as a blood slave. We don't know how she'll act, or if she's even still under a vampire's control."

"Seems like you came back to your senses." Xisuma pointed out.

Wels nodded, "Yeah, but I was only under their control for a few weeks or so. Who knows how long she's been brainwashed."

"I wasn't brainwashed," She shut her eyes, her hands clenched into fists. "And the three of you are helping kill innocent people."

"She's just as delusional as Grian." The knight scoffed, shoving her towards Iskall. Stress stumbled forward, practically falling over, before being caught by her partner. She pulled away, flinching as Iskall tried to push a bit of her chestnut hair out of her face.

"How's he doing?" X asked Wels, who shook his head.

"Pretty much lost and in denial." He scoffed, "He's been going crazy in that bedroom. We can hear him pacing and muttering from just outside the door."

"Poor kid," The hunter shook his head, "He seemed nice. Probably had his consciousness snapped by those beasts. Maybe he was turned into a mindless puppet."

"Anyway to fix that?"

"Not that I've heard of, but then again, there's not much information on vampires." Xisuma shrugged.

"I'm going to head back home." Iskall said to the two, placing a hand on his partner's shoulder. "I'll bring her back and let her get some rest. Maybe that will snap her back."

"Alright. Remember to be careful. She could be unstable." The knight warned.

"Yeah, yeah."

Iskall walked her out of the castle, and she seemed obedient for a few moments. But as soon as the castle doors shut, leaving the two alone, Stress pulled away from Iskall's touch, her face disgusted. "I can't believe you," She said. "First you lied to me about Mumbo, then you went behind my back to hunt monsters again!"

"I didn't lie!" Iskall insisted, "That thing isn't Mumbo! It isn't human!"

"I don't care what you think. All those creatures you hunted down were innocent and scared. I've been helping them. I'm not brainwashed, I'm not some kind of 'blood slave', I'm trying to help those creatures find sanctuary!"

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now