Chapter 18: Stargazing

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The door to the elder vampire's cottage was pushed open, TFC seated in his rocking chair beside the fire. He looked up at the visitors, smiling upon spotting the girl. "Stress!" He greeted happily, grabbing his cane from beside him so that he could stand. "What are you doing here? It's been so long since your last visit."

"Sorry about that, luv." She wrapped her arms around him, hugging the vampire for a moment before pulling away. "I didn't mean to stop visiting for so long. Iskall, they've been worried about me."

"They're a good one, always looking out for you." TFC hummed while walking back to his rocking chair, settling comfortably on it.

"I hope you two could meet some day." She smiled at the idea, before shaking her head. "Sorry. We're actually here to talk." Stress said as she gestured to Mumbo and Grian.

"Well, talk." He chuckled a bit, waving his cane at the other vampire in the room.

"A-actually, sir." Grian stepped forward, giving the elder vampire pause. "I'm the one you want to talk to."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Mumbo just wanted to protect me, he didn't mean any harm!" Grian started off defensive, stepping towards the elder vampire. "He said I was hypnotized so that the other monsters in the village wouldn't be scared. He saved me, twice, and he just wanted to keep me safe!"

TFC let out a heavy sigh, placing the end of his cane on the ground and letting out a low groan as he stood up. He walked towards the human, practically towering over him, with his crimson eyes staring down at him. He lifted his cane up, as if he were preparing to swing at the human, which caused Grian to wince and shut his eyes.

He received a very soft knock to the head from the cane, which caused the architect to poke open one eye in confusion. "You two really didn't think I knew?" He laughed a little bit, leaning on his cane with a smirk. Grian and Mumbo shared a confused look.

"Uh," The younger vampire blinked. "What?"

"I mean, it's pretty obvious. He's got no red eyes—" TFC pointed to Grian, "And you—" He then pointed to Mumbo, "Are still too young to have mastered the ability of hypnosis."

"So, wait." The human shook his head, "You knew, and didn't say anything?"

"You're not much of a threat. Too small and skinny to cause any real harm." TFC shrugged, leaning against his cane again. He took the opportunity to get back into his chair, settling himself more comfortably. "Besides," he added with a chuckle. "If you really did step out of line, we got a whole village full of monsters."

"So you aren't mad?" Mumbo asked.

"As long as he doesn't tell anyone about this village, I'm fine with him. Is that all you came to talk to me about?"

"No sir," Grian shook his head. "I want to try and help. I'm friends with the king, and I think I can talk him into some kind of peace treaty with you and all the monsters that live here."

He huffed a little at that, looking to Stress with a raised eyebrow. "He serious?" The vampire asked.

"If you'll give me a chance—"

"You can talk all you want to him," TFC waved his hand. "Doesn't mean he'll listen. But, if you do manage to make some progress, come back and talk to me."

"I promise, he'll listen!" Grian smiled at the elder, looking at Mumbo with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. The vampire gave a half-hearted smile back, though it was clear he wasn't very convinced of the king agreeing.

"Come on, I'll walk you to the edge of the village so you can head off." TFC said as he tried to walk to the door, though Stress stopped him.

"W-wait." She frowned, "There's something I need to say too."

Blood and Tears - Grumbo Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now