Chapter 13: Escaping

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"Mumbo? MUMBO!" Grian called out into the forest, pushing past the bushes and brambles as he rushed deeper into the woods. He was running as fast as he could, desperate to reach the vampire's residence. He managed to stumble his way through the trees, reaching Mumbo's shack while breathlessly gasping for air.

Grian pounded his fist against the door, though he didn't wait for a response, as he forced himself inside. He rushed into the vampire's bedroom, finding Mumbo in bed. It was morning, so he was already asleep, though that didn't stop Grian from shaking him awake.

"Mumbo! Wake up! We gotta go! Now!" The human desperately urged.

"Huh?" Mumbo stirred, blinking slowly and looking around groggily. "Wha—? What's going on?" He asked, yawning as he was forcibly pulled out of bed.

"I—, t-the hunters! Coming—! Gonna trap you—," Grian huffed heavily. His words were barely coherent. As he struggled to catch his breath, he felt Mumbo hold onto his arms gently, trying to calm him down. After a few moments, however, Grian seemed to be able to steady his breathing enough to speak properly.

"The hunters are coming, Mumbo. They're after you. The king increased the reward for a vampire, a-and now they're coming to try and find you!" Grian explained, his voice still ragged but more steady than before.

Mumbo's eyes looked saddened, though he nodded. "Let me grab my things. Were you followed?" He asked, letting go of Grian's arms.

"... I dunno. Could've been, maybe. Maybe. I don't know. Probably not, though, because I saw one of those guards," Grian answered quickly, his thoughts moving as fast as he spoke. "W-we just need to get you out of here, b-before Iskall or Xisuma find you!"

He paused, Mumbo staring at Grian for a moment. "You..know them by name?" He asked, a hurt expression in his eyes.

"Wha—? Nono, Mumbo! I-it was before I met you, I promise! I would never be friends with them if I knew you before!" Grian said, taking the vampire's hands in his own. They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, before Mumbo glanced away and nodded.

"R-right, sorry. Let's just..go." He mumbled, the vampire grabbing a leather satchel and his dark cloak. He packed a few items, mostly bottles of blood, before pulling his hood over his head to protect him from the sunlight.

Pulling on his shoes, Mumbo walked out the door, with Grian following close behind. The sunlight that managed to slip through the canopy above fell onto the vampire's cloak, protecting him from burns. He glanced back at the hut he had built, the place he had called home, frowning as he stared with saddened eyes.

"Where..where am I supposed to go?" He asked Grian, eyes still focused on the wooden shack. "I don't have anywhere else."

"We'll find somewhere safe." The human said, taking Mumbo by the hand and pulling him into the forest.

"It's okay, I can go alone. If you're caught helping me—"

"Scar wouldn't hurt me." Grian spoke firmly, his gaze kept ahead as he squeezed the monster's wrist. "I'll explain everything if I'm caught. I'm not the one in danger; you are."

"But we don't even know where we're going, you could get lost, or—"

Grian shook his head. "It doesn't matter right now, okay? What matters is finding you a safe place where hunters won't find you."

"I-I don't know if there's a place like that.." The vampire muttered quietly, looking around nervously.

Freezing in place, Grian looked back at Mumbo. "What about with the other monsters? You said they lived somewhere around here, right?"

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