Chapter 19: Betrayal

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Iskall hissed in pain, wrapping bandages around the fresh wound along their arms. While Stress had been busy in the bakery, they had been working in secret to gather enough money for the wedding. Mostly hunting for monsters and beasts to gather up the reward money. And while they had been trying to find a vampire, the creature with the highest price on its head, they had no luck.

They heard the front door of the bakery open, Iskall rolling down their sleeves to hide the battle scars. "Hallo dear," their face immediately lit up as Stress walked in the door. She looked up at him with a tired smile, as if she had been up all night, before her partner scooped her up into her arms. "You look tired! Couldn't sleep?"

She shook her head, rubbing at her eyes. "No, it was a rough night." She said to them, leaning her head against their chest as Iskall held her in their arms.

"We have a big day ahead of us." They smiled, "Are you sure you'll be awake enough to even get married?"

"I'll be okay." She shut her eyes, relaxing in their arms for a few calm moments.

Iskall smiled fondly at her, kissing the top of her head. "You should head home and rest before tonight." They said, setting the girl back onto her feet.

"What about you?" She asked sleepily, clinging to her partner's arm.

"I...gotta work." Iskall admitted with great hesitation. That seemed to wake Stress up.

"Don't tell me—"

"I-I haven't!" They said, as if they had been reading her mind. "I've been working part-time at the blacksmiths for some extra cash for the wedding. I wouldn't go back to hunting. I know how much you don't like it."

Stress crossed her arms, looking away in disappointment. "You got hurt. And those creatures in the forest aren't hurting anyone, we should just leave them alone.."

Iskall stayed quiet, placing a hand on her back. They walked her into the back room of the bakery, the place she had been using as her house. Iskall had their own place, a small cottage that was rather cramped for two, while Stress sold her old home in order to purchase the bakery. So, she converted the back room to her home.

They lifted her into their arms, setting Stress down in bed. "I'll see you tonight," Iskall smiled, brushing a hand through her hair.

Looking at them, it was as if her gaze could see through lies. She was disappointed and worried, Stress rolling over in bed to have her back facing them. Iskall frowned in the doorway, noticing the way she was curled up, though they ended up walking out of the bakery anyways.

Iskall took a brown cloak off of the hook they used to hang aprons, throwing on the long cape and pulling the hood over their head. They hated lying to Stress, but she didn't understand the threat that those beasts posed towards the kingdom, towards her. They would make sure that she was safe and taken care of, even if it meant slaying every monster in the woods.

They slipped out of the bakery, placing a hand on the silver dagger strapped to their hip. Iskall slipped through the bustling streets, heading past trade stands and shops set up in the center of the village. They made their way to one of the guard posts, a place where hunters could drop off beasts and other wanted criminals in return for their reward.

Standing there waiting was Xisuma, wearing his usual deep purple cloak and mask. Most of his face was covered in shadows, with emotion and expression hidden behind a cold gaze. "Just in time, I was about to leave without you." Said the hunter as he sharpened a blade of silver.

"You said you had something important," Iskall jumped to the point. "Not that we were going somewhere."

"I need your help." Xisuma stated bluntly, causing Iskall to scoff and turn away.

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