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Daryls POV:

"Daryl stop!" Tara shouted.

"I have to go find her before they kill her!" I shouted.

"You don't know where to start looking! She could miles away and somewhere we've never been!" Tara said.

"She's right Daryl." Michonne said. "If you go out there looking for her without knowing where they could be keeping her, you'll get yourself killed and you know that. We'll find her but we have to think before we do anything that could possibly get her killed." She said. I know she's right but I can't just sit back while she's out there somewhere with those assholes.

"Daryl, you know we'll get her back and we won't let anything happen to her. She's smart, she knows what to do." Tara said.

"How can I just sit and wait when they could be killing her right now? I can't let that happen. I almost lost her twice." I said. "I almost lost her to the flu and almost lost her to a bullet wound in the neck." I added.

"We don't want to lose her either, she's family. But she's also a Dixon. I know that anyone with the Dixon blood is strong and can get through anything." Michonne said. "We'll figure this out okay? That's what she'll want. She'll wants us to plan this out before doing anything that could get any one of us killed." She added.

"Okay. Let's plan then instead of just standing here while she's still out there with them assholes." I said.

Maddie's POV:

It was soon getting dark and I was still trying to find my way back to the Hilltop but it's hard since I don't know where I am. I need to find somewhere to sleep for the night but I know they're still looking for me. I saw a clearing not too far away and I ran towards it. When I arrived, I saw that it was somewhat familiar to me.

I was tired from running for so long but I can't stop moving or else they'll catch me. I ran down a road and I followed it until I saw walls that looked familiar. I got closer and saw that it was Hilltop. I ran to the gate and banged on it for the guards to open it.

"Please open the gate!" I shouted. The gate opened and I walked inside and they closed it. I looked ahead of me and saw Daryl walking away from the house. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him, ignoring the pain when my body slammed against him and he hugged me back.

"Thank god you're back Maddie." He said, pulling away and looked at me.

"They're looking for me and they'll figure out I came here. I was so scared Daryl." I said.

"We'll hide you Maddie." He said. "How did you get away?" He asked.

"I broke one of their necks since one of them went to kill the walkers that was behind me. There was only two people watching me. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around the rope then went on the limb the rope was on. I hurt my wrists but I had to get out of there." I said. "I ran around with only undergarments but I broke another ones neck and put her clothes on as you see and I also took her gun and knife." I said. "It was a good thing I stayed in shape." I added.

"I'm just glad you're okay. Now let's get you to Siddiq to get your injuries looked at then get you to bed to get some rest." He said. He walked with me to the medical building and we went inside. "Siddiq, look over her injuries." He said. Siddiq walked over and had me sit on the table.I took my shirt off and he looked at the big bruise that was now on my ribs.

Even the slightest of pressure hurt it even if you don't put any pressure on it.

"The bruise isn't from anything too serious but I'm going to have you take some pain relievers for the pain. What were you hit with?" Siddiq asked.

"With a big stick and he hit me with it a couple times." I told him. He nodded his head then looked at my wrists to see the burn and marks from the rope that was tied around them. He started wrapping my ribs and my wrists with a bandage and put two of those stitch bandaid on the cut on my cheek.

"She's all fixed up but she will still need rest." Siddiq said.

"Okay thank you Siddiq." I said, when he gave me a bottle of pain relievers. Daryl walked me to the room where I slept in before I got captured.

"The kids are going to sleep in my room with me so you can have the bed to yourself." Daryl said, opening the bedroom door.

"Thank you Daryl." I said, hugging him. "Goodnight and tell the kids that for me please." I said.

"I will. Goodnight." He said, closing the door. I changed into a pair of pajamas that was left here and laid down. I laid on the side that didn't have a bruise and closed my eyes, falling asleep shortly after.

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