1. You ready?

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Lilliana POV;

Me and dumb-bar (little nick name i gave him sweet isn't it) we've been best friends since birth not literally we met at a baby group thing our moms joined but me and Liam became baby besties and now we are sixteen years old and still best friends not going to lie I'm proud of us.

"Yo dumbar I can't believe you got us transferred to this shit hole." I said sarcastically as I walked up to him giving him a hug outside the gates.

"Oh come one you and I both got us transferred and plus that school was more of a shit hole than this one. They made you watch me get beaten with lacrosse balls because we lost a game you can't possibility think this place is going to be any worse?" Liam said as he nudged me onto beacon hills high school grounds.

"I mean yeah but like Liam this is our do over, okay we have to make a good first impression other wise we're screwed." I said nudging him back as we walked further onto the school grounds.

"Lil lets just remember that one, the school knows what we did to that car and that's why we got transferred and second we both have major anger issues and your last name is killer in Czech so how much of a good impression do you think we're gonna make." Liam said reminding me that our first impressions have been made already.

"They wont know about my last name thing though." I said

"Oh also I'm gonna do lacrosse try outs I've been practicing with my step dad i think I'm doing really well actually i pretty much always get a goal never miss." Liam said low-key bragging.

"Oh you have a dad wow that's nice what's that like?" I said making a joke out of the fact that my dad died when my mom was 3 months pregnant with me, Liam shot me a sympathetic look. "Liam i was joking calm down, I'm just saying i was making that me not having a dad as a joke so just chill okay" i said feeing slightly guilty for making a joke about a sensitive subject.

"I'm chill don't worry I'm totally chill." Liam said sarcastically as we got about a foot away from the school entrance doors.

"One, you are never chill and two, you ready?" I asked holding my hand out.

"No." Liam replied bluntly i waited a couple of seconds before continuing.

"You ready now?" I said as we both stared blankly at the doors.

"Ready." Liam said grabbing my hand as we walked into our new high school hoping it would be way better than the last.


Authors note:

first chapter how we feeling?

only short one sorry :(


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