10. Not a girlfreind girl

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Later Lilliana POV;

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Later Lilliana POV;

"Liam wait, what... no, no, no, no." I said following a rushed liam out side to the school entrance where you guessed it the Devenford prep team was arriving.

"Brett!" Liam said storming to the bus the team was getting off from.

"Ah here we go." I said having no control over what liam will say or do.

"I just wanted to say... have a good game." Liam said heavily breathed holding his hand out for a "good luck with the game" kind of hand shake type thing. He surprised me with that one.

"Thats cute liam. Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologise and everything's fine? You and Lilliana demolished coaches car." Brett said this may have made me more angry than liam as liam seemed to be handling it decently well.

"We paid for it!" Liam said clenching his fists.

"Yeah you're going to pay for it. We are going to break you two in half out there. And its going to be all your guys fault." Brett said as i walked over to liam. As I noticed his fist got a little to tight as his nails or possibly his claws dug into his palm and cut deep drawing blood.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa lets go" scott said pulling liam back.

"Hey what's going on prep students welcome to our little public high school. How you doing? Stiles." Stiles said introducing himself to the team holding his hand out for a welcoming handshake. "Thats a firm handshake you got there." Stiles said sarcastically when Brett denied the hand shake. "Uh, we're very excited for scrimmage tonight uh, lets keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there all right see you on the field." Stiles continued before rushing liam off.

I was going to follow but i seemed to be held back, which you know held them back a little longer.

"You know what Brett I'm gonna chop your fucking dick off and glue it to your forehead so you look like a limp-tic unicorn, back the fuck off!" I threatened did i used i threat I've seen somewhere yeah did he notice or did anyone notice no.

"I'm so scared little Lil you know i could easily forgive and spare you if you dont mind not walking for a while. Oh and if you didnt get what I meant i mean you, me sex what you think?" Brett said with a way to much confidence.

"Oh let me think about it... yeah no but you know what I'm pretty sure if I did sleep with you i would be able you walk because you just radiate small dick energy." I sassed.

"I dont think you under stand you're being given an amazing opportunity here. And your just gonna what walk away from it oh wait I'm sorry i don't want to get on your bad side i don't want to take my shoes of and have them filled with needles ready to puncture my skin now do i?" Brett mocked.

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