9. No claws no fangs no supersenses.

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Liam POV two days later at school;

"You know how i keep reminding Garrett to give me back my hoodie?" Mason asked lifting a five point five kilogram weight up and down.

"Uh yeah." I said getting up to add more weight on to the bar i was bench pressing.

"Well i remember Lil said he lived in that housing development on Spaulding, so i went there and guess what? That housing development is still in development." Mason said but i wasn't really clocking what he was saying i was more distracted by how i have all this strength and I can't seem to find the right amount of weight to bench.

"So?" I said i don't see the big deal.

"So unless the dude lives in a blackhole, there's something he hasn't told lil. And then there's this other dude, man, he's been acting really strange running to school for no reason, disappearing at parties. Used to be my best friend." Mason went on but i was still too distracted by how no matter how many more kilo grams of weight i added to this bar i could still lift it like a baby.

"Uh-huh." I responded not clocking in what masons been saying.

"And he is apparently on steroids" mason said grabbing my attention as i fully clocked that he was talking about me and the amount of weight i kept adding on was now too crazy.


"You're not actually going to try lift that are you?" Mason said looking at all the weights i had been adding on to the bar.

He wasn't wrong it does look like I'm taking steroids by the look of it because of all the weights probably adding up to one hundred kilograms plus it was crazy. I'm just glad Lil wasn't here to see she would kill me for not being more careful.

"Are you alright?" Mason asked kneeling down near the bench i was sat on. "I mean is it about the game tonight?" Mason asked

"I'm fine... its just a scrimmage." I said trying to make him not think so much about the whole weight situation.

"You know who you're playing right?" Mason asked hoping i read the announcements and that why I'm acting weird.

"Yeah. I mean no... i guess I missed the announcements." I said to mason hoping for him to clue me in or something.

"Liam its your old school. Devenford prep." Mason said cluing me in. This school treated me and Lil like shit but the worst part was that they picked on me and tortured me so much and when Lil steps in it makes it worse when she leaves.

Lilliana POV;

"So what are we doing? Sorry i mean what are you gonna be doing?" I asked lydia as we stood in a empty room at the school with a canvas and a pencil.

"Automatic writing or drawing i guess." Lydia said, i waned to sit back and watch but i wanted a closer look. Lydia adjusted the pencil in her hand as i went around her looking between her and the canvas. "Please stop hovering" lydia snapped.

"I'm not hovering I'm waiting. Draw something write something we need to know who else is on that list." I said, ever since lydia has clued me in about what's happened and what happening i scared that because me ad liam are now were-wolves we might be in a dead-pool of supernatural creatures.

"you mean you need to know if you and liam are on the list." Lydia said getting the right idea about why i was really there and why i wanted her to get this bloody cipher key so badly.

"If someone is coming to take mine or Liams head off, then yeah I would like to know." I said, I haven't told liam about this he would properly freak out he doesn't really have control like at all.

lydia took the hint and hovered her pencil over the canvas and shut her eyes ready to write or draw or do whatever her banshee-ness does to her. But i wanted to see better and her head kept getting in the way so i kind of just hovered my head over her shoulder.

"Can you please just sit down? Your making me nervous" lydia said trying to focus her mind which she couldn't do with my head hovering over her.

"Sorry." I muttered as i sat down on one of the art class rooms stools and pulled out a book about dead pools and the supernatural ones to look through in case of any thing that could help us was in there while i waited for lydia to do her banshee thing.

Lydia took her pencil and rose it to the canvas but as i do i found something just as she began. "Lydia!"

"What?" Lydia said clearly annoyed interrupted her. "Oh my god what?"

"Maybe we need help from another banshee." I said sliding the book over on the page i was reading for lydia to see.

"Meredith." Lydia said.

"Who?" I asked "you need to remember i don't know half the supernatural people you have met so wanna clue me in here?" I said still confused on who Meredith is. Lydia put the stuff away we were using and dragged me out the room before saying anything.

"She's a banshee like me she was at Eichen house with stiles when he got possessed shes a little difficult but she could help." Lydia said quietly cluing me into the supernatural further.

"Eichen house says Meredith can't have visitors without permission from a family member." Lydia said as we walked down the stairs to the main floor corridor "thats not going to be easy since her whole family is dead." Lydia said causing us to have more problems thrown at us.

"Perfect. Okay how about we go back to the art room? Or music room?" I said as i know she got the last key from a record player.

"I'm not plucking piano strings for two hours waiting for some supernatural inspiration." Lydia snapped.

"Fine. What else do banshees do?" I asked trying to find another way to find out what the next cipher key is.

"You think i know?" Lydia sassed. I thought she would know considering she is one herself. "I can't just turn it on, I'm not like you guys, i don't have claws or glowing eyes or super senses... i just have voices in my head." Lydia said tears eyed. I felt bad for her i didn't know it was that bad and i wish i could help but i don't know how.


I know theres spelling mistakes but I dont

mind sue me.


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