11. Benched

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At the game Lilliana POV;

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At the game Lilliana POV;

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me... i think i can take him." Liam said tome and mason more me than mason as mason seemed to be distracted.

"Yeah." Mason replied staring at Brett.

"What do you think your doing?" Liam asked noticing i was trying to follow masons eye-line

"What? Me?" Mason asked snapping out of his gaze just as i figured out where he was staring but more like who he was staring at. "Pfff agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable." Mason defended himself.

"You think he's hot dont you." Liam assumed.

no matter how much i hate Brett I can't lie and say isn't hot, like have you seen him he's like a walking smoke show.

"No! No. Not at all. No way. Maybe. Yeah maybe a title." Mason said.

"He is hot but he's an awful person." I said backing up mason as well as liam sort of.

"He wants to destroy us Lil." Liam said.

"As i said hot but awful person." I said defending my self.

"I think you guys could take him, and then give him to me." Mason said admiring Brett as he put his lacrosse gear on.

"Oh my god." Me and liam laughed.

"No, no just go out there and ice their smug prep school asses." Mason laughed.

"All right." Liam said as we threw our helmet on.

"Lets go! Lets go come on." Coach yelled.

"Hey Lilliana, Liam think fast!" Brett yelled as him and another player launchers two lacrosse balls towards us.

We flew a arm up each arching the balls with our supernatural reflected which was probably really unexpected to anyone watching.

"Oh they play." Coach said.

"What did you tell him scott... oh wait let me guess our legs are still healing which is bullshit we are totalling fine no bruise at all." I smiled and gained a laugh from coach too.

"See mccall fine also i like this one shes witty and one of my new favourites she'll replace stilinski." He smiled then tapped the top of my helmet. "There you go, liam! Sparky! Liam! Sparky!" Coach cheered as we ran out on to the field.

Once the game started it was amazing not the actual game and score but the energy you felt up there it was amazing but then every now and then a small art of fear would creep up on you think i could die soon or Brett is going to destroy us but other than that it was fun.

This was really short lived though.because the first chance Brett got he made some of his team knock Liam straight to the ground which as you could imagine pissed me n's Liam off greatly.

"Guessing your ready to be a limp-tic unicorn." I smirked ready to fight Brett till he was dead in my arms.

Me and liam charged at Brett but Scott grabbed Liam holding him back n ether of course stiles grabbed me to hold me back.

After we "cooled off" the game continued and i was passed the ball thanks to stiles but i think he only passed it to me because i was open. I caught the ball and ran off towards the goal flipping past people dodging their every move.

"Pass it! Sparky Pass the ball!" Coach kept yelling but i could do this i could get us a gol i knew i could so ignored him and went for it and i was right i scored our team their first gol this game. "SPARKY! Get over her!" Coach demanded.

"Hey coach what's up?" I asked smiling as i was more chuffed with my self than ever.

"Take a seat your benched for the rest of the game." Coach demanded pointing to the bench.

"What?! Why?!" I yelled

"You didn't pass." Coach said pointing out the bloody obvious.

"I had an open shot." I said pointing to the score board reminding him i made a shot and i scored us a goal.

"They play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage, its about teamwork, sparky. So your benched." Coach said gesturing to the bench.

"You know what we would so brutally lost if i didn't score that goal so you can bench me but if we lose it will be all your fault you will have this constant weight on your shoulders because you let you team down hope you enjoy it and suffer the verbal attacks of the team coach. And i thought i was one of your new favourites hurts coach." I said hoping he would cave under intimidation.

"Sparky Bench!" Coach yelled.

"What type of car do you have coach?" I asked before seating.

"okay thats enough of that." Scott said running over after eavesdropping on the conversation.

"I don't have a car." Coach said snakily.

"Shame." I said with a devilish grin.

"Why do you ask?" Coached asked.

"You know about my history with the coach from Devenford right?" I asked coach trying to make him put me back out on the field with threats.

"Yes I do but you know what kid I don't give a rats ass because no other school will take you if you get kicked from this one." Coach smiled.

"Fuck you coach!" I yelled before storming off to Allison in the bleachers.

"Trying to get in trouble I see." Allison laughed.

"That was totally unfair though." I whined.

"Oh lydia called asking for you too meet her at the sheriffs station like ASAP." Allison said remembering a message she received.

"Can you drive me i don't have a car." I smiled weakly.

"Of course but I have to rush back here" Allison replied.


short chapter and last one today.


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