5. Wendigo!

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Lilliana POV;

Once we arrived at the hospital, scott began to check us in but noticed a women and greeted her sounding ashamed or something

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Once we arrived at the hospital, scott began to check us in but noticed a women and greeted her sounding ashamed or something. "Uh... hi mom."

"I'm gonna need to wheel chairs." Scotts mum said to the receptionist.

The receptionist went back into a room and returned with to wheelchairs along with a familiar looking doctor.

"Oh hi David you good?" I said smiling hoping he wont get mad at us.

"Why? Why is that if one of you get in trouble its both of you and now if one of you gets hurt you both get hurt... are you linked or something?" Liams step father asked rhetorically.


Me and liam got wheeled into the same room split with a divider as Liams step dad checked his injury and Scott's mum checked mine.

"Okay okay just..." i heard David say to liam as he examined his leg.

"Hey uh our legs there broken aren't they." I yelled as if the curtain divider was as thick as a wall.

Liams step father opened the curtain because it clearly was doing nothing, "their definitely going to need an X-ray." He said as if it was nothing.

"Their broken. And its all my fault." Liam said placing all the blame on him self. "I convinced Lilliana to try out i did that." Liam continued.

"Are you crazy dude that was awesome, we reached a whole another layer of friendship today we now have matching broken legs how cute is that." I said trying to make liam laugh or at least smile.

"Yeah but you got hurt." Liam said still looking at the negatives of the situation.

"You guys wanna tell me what happened?" David asked us wanting to be clued in liam looked at me for a sure or something but instead i just answered the question.

"We went up against three juniors, one of them is the captain of the team." I said clueing David in as he pushed mine and Liams beds closer together so we could play cards or something while we are here.

"Remember what we always say?" He asked looking at us waiting for an answer.

"Play smart not hard." Me and Liam said in unison.

"You mad at us?" Liam asked, he kind of just thinks of me as part of his family as I have a key and and basically living there most of the time as my mum is always drunk somewhere and well my dad left a long long time ago.

"No, of course not. Your mums might be mad t me for getting you guys into lacrosse,but maybe we should wait for the X-ray's before we panic and trust me I have more reason to panic than you guys do" David said reassuring us everything will be fine.


"Liam did you hear that." I said as we both exchanged scared worried looks.

"Yeah, come on." He said as we both rolled out the beds and walked out of the door trying to find someone anyone. "Hey, anyone hear that?" Liam yelled as we exited our room.

"I swear i ears someone." I said to liam as we looked done the hallway.

"Me too." He agreed.

We slowly turned around to look down the hall and we faced to a boy around our age covered in blood all around his mouth and down is shirt. The boy soon opened his mouth and was soon hissing at us, showing row of sharp bloody covered teeth.

Me and liam looked at each other making sure we weren't hallucinating before facing the creature again screaming that we might possibly most definitely die tonight.

The creature punched at us and dragged us to the roof top of the hospital holding his claws to our throats.

"Please please."liam whimpered

"HELPPPPP!" I screamed.

Suddenly the roof top door flew open revealing something that looked like scott and was dressed like scott but had claws and fangs and a weird looking features along with glowing red eyes but looked and acted very different from the creature that could claw our throats out at any moment.

"Don't! You don't need to do this. What ever this is what ever you are, we can help you" who I'm guessing is scott told the creature.

"No. You can't" the creature said through a clenched blood thirsty jaw.

"I can help you." Scott continued trying to calm the creature down and save our lives.

"Wendigo's don't need help, we need food!" He yelled and grasped us by the throat harder.

Scott charged at the Wendigo what ever that caused the Wendigo to throw me and liam aside off the building. "Grab the wall!" Liam yelled, we grippe dour hands tight on to the edge of the hospital handing on fo rear life as scott battled the Wendigo.

"Scott help!" I yelled hoping he could spare two seconds helping us not fall off the roof.

Scott ran over holding one of his clawed hands to mind and the other to Liams, which was really short lived as the Wendigo grabbed scott trying to pull him back digging into his skin.

"No no no." Liam and i yelled as our hands began to lose grip of the wall

"I can't hold on!" Liam and i yelled completely unplanned.

Scott looked as if an idea popped into his head as he looked between us and his claws, he didn't hesitate as our hands slipped, scott chomped down on Liams arm and scratched and clawed at mine, "ahghggghhhhhhh" we screamed in pain like this dude for real just bit liam and clawed me.

Suddenly the Wendigo stopped he stopped attacking Scott and fell backwards as scott pulled us up back onto the roof. We turned around to see a dead Wendigo and a tall bald guy holding a blood dripping axe but this was no normal serial killer or saviour he had no mouth it was covered by skin no trace of him ever having a mouth there. He slowly raised his hand wearing a leather glove to his face shushing us and telling us never to tell.

"Thank you!" I said chugging scott and thanking him for saving us even though he had to bite liam and claw my arm to do so. Liam didn't seem so thankful as he grasped at his arm grunting in pain as the blood from the bite rushed down his arm.


only 1096 words sadly


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