32. the trance

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"malia?" lilliana said as she shot her head up from where she was sat straddling stiles while they made out, ever since they had made them official they haven't been able to keep there hands off each other

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"malia?" lilliana said as she shot her head up from where she was sat straddling stiles while they made out, ever since they had made them official they haven't been able to keep there hands off each other. 

"what?" stiles said confused, malia hadn't made a sound she wasn't even in the house... yet.

"malia she's here." lilliana said looking over her shoulder at stiles bedroom door waiting for it to open to reveal malia. "why's malia here?" lilliana asked her head snapping back to look down at stiles. 

"she's not here, I am and you are but she's not." stiles smiled his hands intwining themselves in Lillianas, just his touch makes her feel like her whole body was on fire, she did question whether she'd feel like this if she wasn't a werewolf though.

"she sure is near." lilliana sort of mumbled before she leaned backdown to crash her lips back down onto stiles' 

they carried on from where they left off before lilliana sensed her sisters presence, and no matter how much she tried to fight it she could feel that her sister was getting closer, her scent was getting closer and lilliana couldn't just keep trying to block it out.

"god, no stiles I'm serious malia is here I swear to you she's here!" Lillian said breaking their kiss holding her hands down on to his arms so he cant do the whole hair play thing that she adores so much. 

"she is not here lilliana!" stiles said trying to wriggle his arms free.

"oh yeah?" lilliana said her brows furrowed at him as she climbed off him making her way to his bedroom door, she slowly twisted his bedroom door handle before swinging it open to find malia stood there her fist up just as she was about to knock. "she's not here is she?" lilliana practically hissed at her new found boyfriend.

"yeah sorry, I just came to listen to the tape thing..." malia said stood awkwardly at the door seeing lilliana glare daggers into the stilinski boy, lilliana hated being accused as a liar and along some lines thats what he was calling her. "I can go, it looks like a bad time." malia said as she slowly started to turn around.

"hang on. what tape?" lilliana said wrapping her hand round malias wrist while her eyes stayed stuck on stiles. 

"how about we just play it..." malia said as she tried to pry lillianas hand off her wrist. "so I can leave." she mumbled under her breath as lilliana dragged her into the room a bit.

"play the tape then I want to know too, and I swear to god Mieczysław Stilinski if you were playing on hiding this from me I will kill you!" lilliana threatened knowing their history and secrets.

"I wasn't... okay maybe I was until I figured it all out. but now you know so we can just listen to it now." stiles said lifting a tape player up onto his desk while pulling a chair out. Lillian and malia -who still felt incredibly awkward just being there- sat down on the edge of stiles bed just as he pressed play on the tape. 

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