27. its the music!

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"malia!" Lilliana yelled as she spotted her sister across from her

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"malia!" Lilliana yelled as she spotted her sister across from her. 

"oh my god Lilliana! wait are you even old enough to be here?" malia asked scowling he dancing and drinking down while they talked.

"probably not but lacrosse team you know feels mandatory. what you drinking?" Lilliana said snatching the flask malia was drinking from, from her hand giving it a quick smell before chugging half the flask.

"not a good day?" malia said snatching back he flask.

"not a good past three days my moms a witch or was I guess I've now got a bigger bounty over my head than ever and my mom pulled some witch crap to try reverse the werewolf side but ended up put witch into as well as me being a werewolf so yeah not great." Lilliana said as he and malia danced out their problems growing themselves with booze and music.

"wow okay well here..." malia said handing Lilliana there flask she was keeping him her back pocket. "you need this way more than I do." 

"cheers." they both said tapping the two flasks together before taking a huge gulp.

"hey!" Scott yelled over the music as he came up to Lilliana and malia not expecting to either malia or Lilliana, he thought Lilliana was way to young to be here and malia wasn't even on the lacrosse team. "what are you guys doing here?" he continued to yell over the music.

"i'm on the lacrosse team and I mean booze so where else would I be?" Lilliana said not stopping dancing.

"getting drunk." malia replied to Scotts question. "what are you doing?" malia asked

"trying to make sure no one gets hurt." Scott smiled as malia and Lilliana danced next to him.

"that sounds fun too." malia said taking a swig of drink.

"boringgggg" Lilliana said drinking some of the cheap liquor from the flask.

"I don't want to ruin your guys night but we kind of cant get drunk." Scott said making Lilliana  immediately stop dancing right there and then as malia just danced more slowly.

"I'm sorry what!?" Lilliana said disappointed.

"I think it has something to do with our healing. but trust me i've tried." Scott said laughing a bit at the memory. "you're not going to feel anything."

"maybe you should tell him that." Lilliana and malia said turning around to see Liam pouring different liquors together just like he was when Lilliana left him with mason not that long ago. "I'm gonna go back to Liam you're kind of ruining the vibe Scott." Lilliana said as she danced off to where Liam and mason were.

"hey!" Liam said a Lilliana came and sat on the bench between his legs using his knee as a headrest.

"scott's a buzz kill." Lilliana complained. "sharing is caring!" Lilliana said snatching the bottle Liam was drinking fro chugging the rest of it before he poured more.

Liam grabbed the empty bottle from Lilliana pouring more liquors into the bottle noticing masons concerned looks from the side. he quickly chugged the bottle of mixed liquors feeling masons eyes locked onto the Side of his head. "not gonna tell me to slow down?" Liam asked his hands resting on Lillian's head.

"actually I was going to say keep drinking" mason said pursing his lips slightly. "I think you should get drunk both of you should. and I mean stumbling down, fall on your ass, passed out with your face in a toilet drunk." he continued making Lilliana and Liam laugh.

"why?" Lilliana asked resting her chin on Liams knee to look at mason

"maybe when I ask what's going on, you'll both be too drunk to lie." mason explained taking a step at his two best friends. "i'm not asking this because I want to know, im asking because I want to help." mason said as Lilliana looked up at Liam before back to mason.

"i'm gonna get another drink." Liam said looking over to malia and Scott. 

"ooo me too." Lilliana smiled following after Liam.

"yeah... i'm getting drunk." Liam said as the pair walked off but not very far until lilliana and Liam started to loose balance laughing as well as malia. 


"how the hell are all three of you wasted!" Scott yelled over the music as he sat the three of them down on a bench forcing them to chug water as mason stood close by with them. "how much have they had to drink?" Scott asked mason who had been with at least one of them the whole night.

"not enough to get them like this!" mason said "especially Lilliana her alcohol tolerance is extremely high I'm taking like bottle and bottle of vodka!" 

"somethings happening we need to get them out of here!" Scott yelled over the music and chattering lacrosse teams and supporters. "I think we're going to have to uh..." Scott said starting to loose a bit of his balance. 

"how much did you drink?" mason Yelle dover peoples talking and the pounding music as he watched Scott watch his hand as he nearly tipped dover slightly.

"nothing! not even a sip!" Scott replied lowering his hand. 

"I cant fucking see straight like it's blurry as fuck!" Lilliana said as malia leant over looking like she was about to throw up and Liam just looked spaced out as Scott leant on the bench looking around. 

"its not the drinks!" Scott yelled. "its the music!" he shouted. he then found a bit of balance "stay here don't let them leave!" he yelled before storming towards the DJ.

"I'm leaving!" Lilliana said running into the school car park away to crash at Lydia away from the music and the smell of cheap liquor.

"lilliana!" mason yelled "Scott said stay put!" he yelled but she was one person he had to make Sure the other two didn't leave.

the further away lilliana got and the faster she got away the better she felt, Scott was definitely right when he said it went the drinks it was the music thats for sure. "I hate it when he's right!" Lilliana complained to her self as she ran down road getting closer to Lydia house. 

she may of felt better getting away from the party but her friends were no where near okay being shoved and pulled around by security, mason unable to do anything. if only she knew...


"hey Lydia? you here?" lilliana whisper shouted into the house after seeing the front door being unlocked. "Lydia?" she said taking careful steps into the house. "Lydia? psst!" she said turning around to lock the door. "I can hear you walking lyds!" lilliana said slowly turning around as the footsteps got closer.

"fuck! you're not Lydia..." lilliana muttered turning to find a tall male covered in black head to toe

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