28. you crazy bitch!

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"so you gonna introduce yourself of just stare at me? either way it's creepy

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"so you gonna introduce yourself of just stare at me? either way it's creepy." Lilliana said retorting to sarcasm as fear washed over her. 

"you aren't Lydia but you'll do... Lilliana right the witch werewolf hybrid in all her glory!" the man said tilting his head slightly his eyes an icy cold blue staring down at her.

"i'm already having a bad day so could you just stop all this jibber jabber and just try kill me please?" Lilliana said yawning as she rubbed her eyes. "what's confusing you here? you don't want to kill me or what?" Lilliana said seeing the surprised look on his face. 

"no i'm gonna kill you. you're worth a lot of money." he said pulling out two guns from holsters that were hanging from his belt. 

"why you got kids you got to feed?" Lilliana said still not very phased. 

"what the hell is wrong with you?" he said cocking the guns at her.

"many things but I don't think you actually care." Lilliana said staring at guns he held up at her. "did the thought ever cross your mind that i'm worth that much money for a reason because twenty two million is a hell of a lot." she said tilting her head at the man.

"shut up!" he yelled hovering his fingers over the triggers. 

Lilliana stood there not moving a muscle not saying a word she just watched his twitch under the pressure of what this opportunity could do for him. his fingers slowly pushed on the triggers of the gun his eyes staring straight at her as the triggers clicked releasing silver bullets towards her.

Lilliana squeezed her eyes shut and held her hands out infant of hoping some magic would just step in and help her. after a couple seconds passed she slowly opened her eyes seeing the bullets frozen in the air. 

"oh thats cool!" she squealed. "oh wait dude stay still real quick." Lilliana said as his face washed over with fear, she stared at his left wrist slowly turning her hand to the right until she felt a pinch flicking her hand round suddenly shooting the gun from his hand. "thats amazing!" she laughed.

"how did- how did you -you do that?" he stuttered looking down at the gun 

completely missing the young teen girl charging towards his with glowing eyes. she quickly kicked him in his lower abdomen making his bend over enough for her to grab his right arm twisting over his back as she climbed onto his shoulder pushing and pulling him around bashing him against walls until she saw blood trickle down to the floor she quickly climbed up to stand on his shoulders to flip off of them. she flipped over his head as blood ran from his head nose and mouth, until she landed just in time for his fall to the ground.

"oh that was fun. but dude you actually sucks at this whole assassination thing." Lilliana said walking over to his limp body. "can you leave now if Natalie see you and this blood on her floor she's gonna kill me!" Lilliana said dragging him by the arm to the front door.

"you crazy bitch!" he spat blood spitting out his mouth as he spoke.

"oh please. get out or I'll do more damage to you! oh and don't you dare even think about going to beacon hills memorial hospital or I will kill you!" Lilliana threatened unlocking the door for him to run out of away. "byeeeeeee love ya!" she called out sarcastically as he ran terrified out the Martin house

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