15. HELP!

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Lilliana POV;

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Lilliana POV;

"Garrett p-please please. I didn't ask for this i haven't hurt anybody please." I begged whist Liam laid unconscious in the pool of water at the bottom of a hole we had been tossed into.

"And i don't care." Garrett said dialling a number on Liams phone. "Now shut up."


"I'm off now. Have fun oh and Liam have fun healing or not." Garrett laughed before walking off.

"Liam shit look I'm sorry i- i tried to... i tried to stop him i really did." I stuttered wit tears flooding my eyes as Liam clutched his stomach.

"Shh its okay look Scott will find us we will be fine okay." Liam said trying to assure me we truly would be fine but i could smell it off him he was lying through his teeth.

"Bullshit liam!" I yelled at him with tears flooding down my face.

"I know sorry I'm freaking out. HELP!" Liam yelled back clutching his chest laced wit a yelled sticky substance.

"HELP!" I yelled copying his words.

"SCOTT IS ANYBODY THERE?!" Liam yelled out grabbing my hand with his spare hand.


"SOMEBODY HELP US! HELP SCOTT!" Liam screeched up the hole.

"SCOTT, HEP US PLEASE!" I screeched which definitely means I'm frightened for my life.


"Come on i know your like in a load of pain right now but if we climb up we can get out at get you to this deaton guys lydia told me about he's like the supernatural doctor or something." I said as i booted Liam further up the stone slabbed wall.

"Yeah, yeah okay." Liam muttered as he began to climb.

"Just try not to fall... you will probably die if you fall well not probably you will die... maybe." I said looking down at about a wight to ten meter drop.

"Oh shut up your as bad as stiles." Liam complained, pulling himself up the stone rounded walls.

"Ouch Liam that hurt." I said sarcastically. "Liam i know it hurts i know its weakening you but push through do something please. I begged as i watched his hands begin to slip. "Transform howl..." i said rembering something lydia said about how a betas howl is like a siren to an alpha.

"What?" Liam questioned.

"Do it three, two, one..." i said before we bore transformed into our werewolf form howling for our alpha to find us wherever we were. I only hoped he wasn't to far away Liam wont be able to hang on for much long.

"I don't think is going to work." Liam sighed as he began to lose his grip.

"No Liam!" I yelled grabbing hold of him as he began to fall, it was more of a force full pull than i was expecting. "Ahh no!" I screamed as Liams body weight pulled me down with him slightly before a familiar grasp gripped my wrist pulling me and Liam out.

"S-Scott?" I stuttered as he pull us in for a fatherly hug.

"Your okay" he said to Liam. "Your okay." He repeated to me. "God your okay thank god!" Scott said hugging us tighter.

"No Liam is like infected with wolfsbane he needs to go to that Deaton guy." I said showing Scott Liams wound. "You take him i need to find lydia." I said jumping up onto my feet.

"What aren't you poisoned too?" Scott asked confused by my actions.

"No he wanted me to watch Liam die then die a slow painful death." I sighed.


another short one because I 

feel bad the other ones have 

been so short. oh and the 

next chapter is cute af.


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