3. academically head strong

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Lilliana POV;

"Dumbar hm guess the nick name makes sense you being in the dumber classes

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"Dumbar hm guess the nick name makes sense you being in the dumber classes." I said looking over at his time table.

"Shut up we are in the same class." Liam said

"Oh no we aren't look." I said showing him my timetable and that it says I've been moved up to they year above science, maths and English classes.

"What how your dumb." Liam said jokingly. "Hey but look same french, history and economics classes."

"Yes we have french, history, economics together but lets not just skip over the fact I'm way more academically head strong than you." I said looking for a praise.

"Okay fine. Congratulations lil you are smart... how was that?" Liam said full of sarcasm

"wow i feel so appreciate and that your proud of me." I said with the same amount of sarcasm as he did.

We walked down the hall towards the science classes, Liam dropped me to my class before quickly walk-in down to his English class.

Third person;

"Ah okay hello you must be uhh... Lilliana is that right?" The teacher said with a welcoming smile. Lilliana nodded yes before he continued. "So class please welcome our new student she is the grade below so she'll only be in our science, English, math classes but still treat her like your own year." The teacher said rambling on. "Right well before you get seated how about you introduce yourself to the class okay."

"Oh yeah okay. Hi I'm Lilliana Zabiják I was transferred the other week and i have a GPA of four point o" Lilliana said not really sure what she was supposed to say in this situation.

"Wow okay. I change my mind stiles go sit next to Issac." The teacher said looking over to stiles and lydia.

"But why?" Stiles said

"Because mr stilinski i don't think Issac is academically challenging enough for Lilliana but lydia there is." The teacher said making Issac look really taken back but made lydia look impressed and happy about her self.

"Lilliana come on." Lydia said pushing stiles out of his seat.

"Hey that was rude." Stiles said as he stumbled to his feet.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Lilliana said as she walked over to her desk and the fallen stiles.

"Yeah I'm okay." Stiles said in reply with a smile from Lilliana kindness.

"Oh I wasn't asking you i was asking the chair it fell over." Lilliana said sarcastically in response, making the whole class laugh at how witty she was.

"Oh wow okay." Stiles said grabbing his bag from the floor and walking over to Issac whilst laughs flooded the room.

"I like you." Lydia said as Lilliana stood the chair back up before sitting down.

"Okay, i don't know if i like you." Lilliana said bluntly making a complex look appear on Lydia's face, before grabbing a pen and note book. "But i mean you never know, i did only just meet you." Lilliana added on to solve Lydia's taken back puzzled look.


Authors note:

im releasing the first three chapters 

today and will release the forth 

tomorrow... the next one is around 

2265 words I think.


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