6. I promise

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Lilliana POV;

So last night didn't end the way I thought i would after scott saved our lives he ended up kid napping us and duck tapping are arms to our bodies and our legs together as we as our mouths shut in Scott's bath tub

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So last night didn't end the way I thought i would after scott saved our lives he ended up kid napping us and duck tapping are arms to our bodies and our legs together as we as our mouths shut in Scott's bath tub.

We obviously couldn't talk to each other or move much so i tried to stay as calm as i cold but liam was wriggling about trying to scream the duck tape off or something.

The shower curtain was across so we couldn't see out of the bathroom door if someone was to walk pass which was stupid because why not close the door oh wait he did that as well so why close the shower curtain.

The next morning the shower curtain was swung open revealing not just Scott but stiles.

Liam tried asking for help or screaming and wiggling more when they came but I just stayed quite and still and rolled my eyes at Liam, he's literally living up to the nickname I gave him right now, like they clearly aren't gonna help us so why bother screaming.

Stiles didn't look impressed she just awkwardly shut the curtain again as Scott just looked like he was debating is life choices.

Third person

Scott and stiles left the bathroom and slowly sat down on Scott's bed at the same time.

"So you bit them..." stiles said as he noticed the blood and bite mark on Liams arm.

"I bit Liam I big time deep scratched Lilliana." Scott corrected.

"And you kidnapped them." Stiles said continuing the conformation.

"Yeah." Scott deadpanned.

"And brought them here." Stiles said.

"I panicked." Scott said with a heavy sigh.

"Yup. This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of their bodies out in the desert is it?" Stiles said retorting to sarcasm but slight belief in that theory as well. "As a reminder this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." Stiles said after Liam whined louder wriggling in the bath tub.

"I know." Scott said disappointed with himself. "Which is why I called you. So what do we do know?" Scott asked majorly relying on his best friend.

Lilliana POV;

They very rudely after finishing talking picked us up and threw us on to chairs to "talk".

"Liam, Lilliana we're going to take the tape off your guys mouths now. If you scream, It goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it." Stiles explained to us. We both nodded and Scott pulled it off liams mouth while stiles pulled it off mine.

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