The world is not the home of a Christian (February 8)

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"If you were of the world, the world would love what was yours; but, because you are not of the world, I chose you from the world before, that is why the world hates you."

John 15:19

We are here in this world, but we are not of this world. (John 17:16) We are hated by the world because of this. (John 15:19)

Everything that comes from the world contaminates us, so we need to look for things that come from above. (Matthew 6:33; 1 John 2: 15-17; Colossians 3: 1)

The Lord is looking for spiritual worshipers, that is, who do not live according to the world, but live a life of Christ. (Galatians 2: 19-20; John 4:23)

We are here in this world to worship Him and preach the gospel, we will not be here forever. (John 4:23, Mark 16:15) Let the Lord use you and be intimidated by Him.

God bless you!

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