"Then the Lord God caused a heavy sleep to fall upon the man, and he fell asleep; he took one of the ribs and closed the place with meat."
Genesis 2:21
God is in a hurry to bless you, but first He wants to teach us how to be blessed. In this passage of the Bible, He knew exactly what Adam needed. He needed a mate. (Genesis 2:18)
God put Adam into a deep sleep, where He made what Adam needed to happen. (Genesis 2:21)
God is teaching us to rest in Him. While we sleep or rest, He comes and works in our lives. (Psalm 127:2) When we rest in God, we put our faith into practice. (Hebrews 11:1)
There is a rest for God's people! (Hebrews 4:9)
Let God work and rest in Him!
God bless you!
A Message From Daddy To You - Part 1
SpiritualPreface I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken highly in my heart, showing things that my eyes have not yet seen. Through these experiences, messages, praises, visions ... I think today I can imagine wh...