God blessing lives (June 22)

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"Then the Lord God caused a heavy sleep to fall upon the man, and he fell asleep; he took one of the ribs and closed the place with meat."

Genesis 2:21

God is in a hurry to bless you, but first He wants to teach us how to be blessed. In this passage of the Bible, He knew exactly what Adam needed. He needed a mate. (Genesis 2:18)

God put Adam into a deep sleep, where He made what Adam needed to happen. (Genesis 2:21)

God is teaching us to rest in Him. While we sleep or rest, He comes and works in our lives. (Psalm 127:2) When we rest in God, we put our faith into practice. (Hebrews 11:1)

There is a rest for God's people! (Hebrews 4:9)

Let God work and rest in Him!

God bless you!

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