To his loved ones He gives... (May 12)

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"Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it; unless the Lord guard the city, watch the watch in vain. It will be useless for you to rise in the morning, to rest late, to eat the bread that ye have grievously earned; beloved he gives it while they sleep."

Psalm 127:1-2

It's no use doing things our way. Some people think that being a Christian is doing things your own way. None of that! Being a Christian is TOTALLY depending on Jesus! It's no use being studied, having a ministry, being rich... If the Lord does not build our lives, we will be nothing! In fact it is not oxygen that keeps us alive, but the glory of the Lord. It's no use doing things with your own strength, because the Lord gives to your loved ones while they sleep. (Psalm 127:2) This means that we need to please the Lord so that He will satisfy our heart's desire. (Psalm 37-4)

Another thing we need to do is sleep. Sleeping here means resting and dying to yourself. (Galatians 2:19-20) When we kill our flesh, we are dependent on the Lord alone. That's exactly what He expects of us!

If you asked God for something, delight in Him, and trust Him, for He will do it even if circumstances are the other way around!

God bless you!

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