"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 3:23
When Adam and Eve sinned, they opened a legality for the devil to act and their nakedness became transparent. (Genesis 3:1-24)
When sin entered man's life, he broke open from the glory of God, death had legality. (Romans 6:23) Man without God's glory is a non-existent being. The devil came to manifest his kingdom, a kingdom full of sin, for his nature is sinful. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. (Romans 5:20)
Man needs the glory of God to return to the state of the garden of Eden, where he had intimacy with God.
We have been set apart for the gospel, and we need to manifest the glory of God. (Romans 1:1; Romans 8:19)
God bless you!
A Message From Daddy To You - Part 1
SpiritualPreface I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken highly in my heart, showing things that my eyes have not yet seen. Through these experiences, messages, praises, visions ... I think today I can imagine wh...