Chapter 14

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I tend my eyes on the whiteboard and when I got some few words, I diverted my attention back to my notebook and wrote it down.

Apparently, we were at our second subject for the day, and I guess, nothing can explain classes better than boring.

"... includes those recreational activities that are usually done in a well-equipped indoor leisure facilities or...", saying it makes it more easier for me to remember it. No one would mind if I would blabber since my seatmate is kind... an advantage...

The teacher continued to discuss and we have to copy everything that he writes on the board, which frustrate me a little when everything he's writing is on our book. But we still have to follow him, I guess, he's the teacher for a reason.

Eventually, after an eternity of discussion, it finally ended, but the bell hasn't yet to ring.

"That concludes our class for today.", He cleaned up his things on the table, and was about to pick them up but out of a sudden halted. "And before I forget, your adviser has probably told you, but the school's sports day is coming this October twenty-two to twenty-three which is a week from now, and as your P.E. teacher, I'm gonna give additional points to those who'll join the sports, the more the number of sports you'll join to, the higher the points I'll give."

Some of my classmates were celebrating and kept saying 'yes!', but some were already whining, probably because they weren't cut out for sports, like me.

I'm not actually good in any sports. I'm not even physically active making me end up with a lower metabolism.

"I'll expect to see everyone of you on that day. Thank you and goodbye students! Have a wonderful day ahead!", When we also bid our goodbye in unison, the teacher left.

"Hey Hiah.", I faced Alliza who was looking back at me. "What sports will you join to?", She continued, her facial expression seemed worried.

"I don't really know.", She thrusted her lower lip out as she sighed.

"I saw at the bulletin board outside the list of all the sports the students are gonna play. But I'm not good at any of them."

"Really? There must be something."

"I don't think so, they all seemed hard. We didn't have sports day or something like that in my past school. You went here last year too, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"What did you join to last year?", Her face lit up as she waited for my response.

"I didn't join any."

"But what about your grades? Didn't it go down?"

"Well, if you just get good grades in other subjects, it wouldn't be that bad."

"You do have a point. So, what about this year? You're still not joining any?"

"Probably not.", Not joining any is better than pushing myself into something I'm not cut out for. And it's not going to be the end of the world for me if my grades won't go up. I just have to be better on the other subjects, that's it.

"I think I'm not gonna be joining any too."

"But what about your grades, is it okay? You know it's better if you join, right? It's not like I'm telling you all that earlier because it's good, I'm just going to where I'm comfortable to. I really don't want to influence you in a bad way."

"No, it's okay. I don't think Mom would mind.", She gave me reassuring smile, but I was still kind of worried that I really influenced her into not joining.

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