Narnia meets Pevensie's

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It was just before midnight now. I slid my boots onto my feet, and grabbed my dressing gown.
I then crept down the hallway to the girls room. I opened the door and walked over to Lucy's side of the bed. I shook her by the shoulders, her eyes flying open.
I held a finger to my lips then pointed to Susan.
Lucy got her boots on too, and we left the room.

As we walked I could've sworn someone was following us, but I gave no heed.

Lucy opened the wardrobe door, and the candle I held blew out. I gleaned, and we both got in, leaving the door open so it wouldn't lock us in.

We skipped through the snow happily, making our way to see Mr. Tummnus
I knocked on the door, and the faun opened it, shocked to see us. But he smiled happily

"You came back?" He asked going to make some tea
"We had to make sure you were okay" Lucy replied
"Are you?" I added
"Yes, I'm quite alright. The Witch hasn't found out" he nodded
"What's the deal with her?" I asked curiously
"Well, she calls herself, Queen of Narnia. Buts she is just an evil tyrant of a witch. She has magic to make it always winter." he explained
"Fabulous, evil witch who hates humans" I sighed
Lucy hummed in agreement

"Mr.Tummnus?" I asked
"Yes?" He asked placing tea in front of us
"When we first meet, and I introduced myself, you said my name as if you knew me. How is that so?" I asked
"Ah. Well, that is a difficult answer" he replied handing me my cup after he gave Lucy hers
"We have time" Lucy nodded also curious
He chuckled at our reponse

"Well, I believe you to be Narnia's Phoenix. The lost princess" he started
"A Phoenix. Isn't that a bird?" I asked looking at Lucy she shrugged
"Haha, yes. But i didn't mean you were a Phoenix. It's just a name, a title if you wish" he explained
I nodded and let him continue
"Well, around one hundred years ago, the mighty Aslan had a daughter. And at the exact same time she was born, a Phoenix came alive, hence the name. Now stories say they were connected, I don't know what I think. Anyway, she was the princess of Narnia. Everyone absolutely adored her, she was so kind and funny. Always cheerful and helping. Mind you she was only four when she disappeared. Then rumor has it that the Witch wanted her, so she sent out the wolves for her. But she disappeared" He explained
I sat there, utterly shocked.
"And you think I'm her?" I asked
"Well, you look like her, and you have the same name" he replied sipping his tea
"But how is that possible?" Lucy sat forward
"I'm not sure Lucy Pevensie. But it is long foretold that the Phoenix shall return" mr Tummnus said

I sat silently, thinking.

If I was this missing princess, it could explain my dream. The one where a horse man, centaur, is helping me run away from something.

"Are centaurs a thing?" I asked
"Oh yes, they are most brave" he nodded
"And dragons?" Lucy asked excitedly
"Yes, I've never meet one. But they are supposed to be magnificent creatures. Wouldn't like to cross paths with one on a bad day" he chuckled
Lucy and I laughed
"So, say I am the princess. What then?" I asked
"You return to your father I'd assume" he shrugged
"Don't you remember anything?" He sat forward
I sighed and looked at Lucy sadly

"No, when I went to live with the professor when my father sent me there, I fell down the stairs and hit my head, it m-made me forget my memories. But I get dreams. Usually the same one, With me running with a centaur leading me. In this woods I think, there's the lamppost" I explained
He just nodded

Lucy and he began to talk, while I took out one of the many books on the shelves. 'Dragons and Humans' it was called
I opened the first page, to a beautiful drawing of a red dragon, it looked much like the ones we have back in England. Well we don't have dragons, but we have the stories

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