The start

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I was running, a larger figure beside me. "Hurry little one. You must hurry" the figure said
"I don't want to" I cried out
We stopped at the lamppost, and I turned around.
A tall brown centaur stood behind me. "Please don't make me go" I cried wrapping what appeared to be my paws, around his leg.
"I'm sorry, but your father wants you to go to him. You must hurry dear one. She is after you" the centaur pushed me forward
"Please Orieus. I don't want to leave" I reached for him again
"I know, I know princess. But you must, for your safety. And remember what your father told you, okay?" he said
I just nodded and wiped my wet eyes. "Now go" he said sternly
I nodded and ran again. Into the forest and then darkness

I stopped my chewing and turned to the man across the table from me
"They happened again" I said
"Is it exactly the same as before? Or have they changed?" He asked putting his newspaper down taking a sip from his teacup
"Exactly the same. Do they mean something? I know dreams are normal, but having the exact same one. Every week. For years." I questioned
"I'm afraid I don't have the answer you wants dear, but I think it would be wise to just ignore it for now" he replied
I just nodded my head in acceptance

"Sorry to interrupt professor, Y/N, hurry now we have to pick up the children" Mrs. Maccreedey said walking into the dining room, buttoning up her riding jacket
"Of course." I stood up, walking to the mans side and kissing his cheek
"Enjoy" professor waved at us as we left

I followed the stout housekeeper outside to the horse and wagon.
I jumped into the back, my head resting on the backrest of the seat that Mrs. Maccreedy was sat on
"Do you think they're my age?" I asked excitedly
"As far as I'm aware, one is" she replied calmly
I just hummed and sat down watching the trees we passed
I always loved the forest, it had a homely feel to it. I could barely stand going to to town for the markets on Friday mornings. I never understood why, the atmosphere and shops always felt wrong to me.

I sat quietly, just breathing in the fresh air, and listened to the sounds of nature all around me. The wind blowing through the trees making them bend, the sound of splashing water from the river, birds chirping, the sound of the charts wheels spinning and hitting random stones, the sound of Demetrio's occasional whiny and her hooves hitting the ground

I wonder what the kids will be like. I hope they like me, I've not had a chance to be around people my age in nearly a year since this war started. I was never one to shy away from making friends.
I hope they're not snobby rich kids, that would be horrible, but it's horrible of me to call them snobby

Soon we neared the train station, I stood up, using the seat as support. I could faintly see four kids standing by the road. Waiting for us I'd assume. Mrs.Maccreedy pulled on Demetrios reins, pulling her to a stop.
I could fully take in the four children's appearances now

Four kids, two boys and two girls.
The tallest of the four was a blonde boy, he had blue eyes. And he was clearly the oldest, maybe around age 16
Then a girl, she had slightly curly brown hair, with chocolate brown eyes. She was very pretty, and from the way she held herself, I could tell she was the knowledgeable one. The one who used logic. She was probably around age 15
Then another boy, he looked around my age. He had tousled raven hair, with honey brown eyes. He looked like a troublemaker, but he always looked very sweet and kindhearted. He was probably one of those people who had to open up first then you'd be best friends with them.
Then lastly, the obvious youngest, a little girl with golden-brown hair, and sparkling blue eyes. She looked so innocent, gentle and happy. I could definitely be friends with her. I think she's a few years younger than me, so maybe she's around 10

I couldn't take my eyes off the younger boy now.

"Mrs. Maccreedy?" The blonde boy asked
"I'm afraid so. Is this it then? Haven't you brought anything else?" the lady in front of me asked
"No, ma'am. It's just us" the blonde replied
"Small favour" she said
"Okay Y/N, help them up" she instructed me.

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