Ramando Island

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I followed the two boys onto the main deck, meeting Lucy there
"Well we made it" I said sarcastically
"Let's go explore" Lucy said excitedly
The boys nodded and went to give their orders, while I held my fingers to my mouth and whistled loudly.

After a few minutes Tyra came, hovering at the side of the ship. With a gleeful shout I jumped off the ship and landed on her back. But nobody seemed to have seen her, resulting with Edmund, Lucy and Caspian all screaming my name. And they sighed and I rose up on the dragons back with a playful innocent face
"Yes?" I asked
"DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Edmund shouted mad
I just laughed and Tyra flew off to join Eustace.

While we waited for the others to get to the top of the island, Tyra and Eustace flew around the island
"They're there Ty, let me off please?" I asked
'Sure. I'm not landing though you'll have to shift and jump. It's too dense for me' she replied
"That's fine. Just get me as close as you can my sweets" I chuckled

As she got as close as she could, with Eustace and Reepicheep above us, I shifted into the golden lion and leaped off the dragons back.
And thanks to my feline agility I was able to land on all four paws, then I raced up the path to join the other exploration party

"What in Aslans mane?" I mumbled as I drew closer to the ruins. A bright blue light was coming from the sky
'A star Y/n.' I heard Tyra say

I ran into the ruin, all the crew flashing their swords at me
"I am Liliandial. Daughter of Romando. I am your guide. Greetings Highest Queen y/n. It is an honor" a beautiful lady greeted me. She had a white yet blue glow to her
"The honor is mine, fair star" I replied politely trotting to join Edmunds side
"You're a star?" Caspian asked
Liliandial nodded

"You are most beautiful" Caspian said in awe
"If it is a distraction for you I can change forms" she said in hopes of helping
"No!" Both Caspian and Edmund said
I fake coughed and flicked Edmund with my tail "I'll let it slide because she is intoxicatingly beautiful. But only this once" I playfully threatened
"I've only eyes for you my love" he whispered
"Smooth" I giggled and paid attention again.

"Please. The food is for you. There is enough for all who are welcomed at Aslans table. Always. H-help yourselves" Liliandial said lighting the candles
"Wait! What happened to them?" Edmund stopped everyone his torch pointing at three men
I could sense the magic around them. A trance.
Oh the perks of magic
"These men were half mad when they reached our shores. Hey were threatening violence upon each other." Liliandial explained
"Violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan" I sighed sadly
"So they were sent to sleep" she finished
"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked
"When all is put right" the star replied

"The magician Coriarkin told you of Dark Island" the star asked as we followed her
"Yes" caspian said
We stood on a balcony, and in the distance sat another island. But it was covered in blackness with an eerie green glow to it. Frightened I stepped closer to Edmund side, and his hand tightened on my fur as well
"Before long the evil will be unstoppable" Lilianial said
"Coriarkin said to break its spell to lay the seven swords at the table?" Caspian asked
"He speaks the truth" she nodded
"But we only found six" I looked at the three with me
"Do you know where the seventh is?" Edmund asked the star

She raised her arm and pointed at the retched island

"You will need great courage" she said
I looked at Caspian while the siblings looked at each other. Worried yet again
"Now waste no time" Liliandial spun to us
"I hope we meet again" Caspian said still in awe of her
"Goodbye" she said softly, and I'm sure if she could've she would've blushed
"Your highness" she bowed to me
And I bowed my head back
I stepped back as she turned back into a blue ball and shot up into the sky

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