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"No way! You cheated" Peter threw his arms up in annoyance
"Not my fault you are so bad at chess" I laughed at him
"No I'm not. You cheated. Ed come tell me she cheated" Peter called his brother over
Edmund came, and inspected the board, seeing I really did win
"Well you could have blocked with the king Bishop pawn, but she is technically winning seeing as she took your Bishop" Edmund explained to the older boy pointing to the pieces as he spoke
"Gahhhhh!" Peter stormed away

Edmund and I just laughed at him. For all the talk, Peter still acted like a kid

"I actually have something to show you" Edmund offered me a hand
"Oh, what is it?" I asked curiously
"You'll see" he said leading me out the library and up the north tower.

"Close your eyes" he said placing his hand over them
"I'll trip" I said holding onto his hands over my eyes
"I won't let you fall" he said
I just sighed and walked where I was told, carefully going up the last few steps
"Okay, keep them shut for another second" he said
His hands were removed but I kept my eyes shut as told

"And open" he told me.
I opened my eyes and they went wide. Up on the tower was a beautiful little picnic laid out.
"Oh Ed it's wonderful" I chooed
"I hoped you'd like it" he said and sat down on the pillows. I sat down too beside him.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and we leaned back into the wall.
"Chocolate strawberry, my Queen?" He asked holding the fruit to my lips. I giggled and bit into it, the smooth chocolate and the juicy fruit always a great combination

We sat like that for a while, just eating the little snacks Edmund had prepared for us, as we watched the sunset over the beautiful Narnian landscape
"Do you ever think about our future?" I asked
"Do you mean as royals, or as in us?" He asked
"Us" I nodded
"I think about us all the time. I picture the two of us, happy forever, getting married and with two maybe three little kids running around the castle, with Tyra chasing after them. And us being the great warriors we are, you know my men call us the Royal super couple?" He said
"Really? Super couple?" I laughed
"Yeah, a lot of Narnians do actually. If you haven't realised love, we're the strongest warriors in Narnia. And we work well together" he said
"Oh I know, just surprised they said super couple" I chuckled at him after making him explain
"You're so sneaky" he laughed kissing my head
"Anything else you see in the future?" I asked wanting to hear more of his hopes for us
"Just one more thing" he replied
I frowned slightly
"Only one?" I sat up confused
I looked at him, and he sat up too, his hand grabbing something from his basket of goodies

"Yeah. This" he got on one knee, holding open a little red velvet box, a sparkling ring sat in it
My hands flew to my mouth
"Y/n Goldsbane, you make the happiest man in the world, and I've loved you ever since I met you. There's nobody else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. So will you do me the honor and marry me?" He asked
"Yes. Yes a thousand times yes" I hugged him and then kissing him with happy tears on my face
"Help me put it on?" I asked looking at the gorgeous ring
"Yeah, yeah I can do that" he nodded taking the ring and sliding it on my ring finger

"I love you" I kissed him again
"And I you" he replied

The two of us just sat there, holding each other closely, as the sun finished setting in the beautiful sky. Everything I looked at now had a new vibrant colour to it


"HA! You owe me ten gold coins" Lucy laughed happily as I showed her and her siblings my new ring as Edmund stood behind me, his arms around my waist, his head resting on the back of my crown
"And me five" Susan said too
"You bet on us?" I asked shocked
"Obviously. We had a bet on when you would start dating as well." Lucy nodded

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