Celebrations and realisations

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"I'm here" Susan ran into the room, carrying a hundred different things. Lucy behind her
"What are we doing?" I asked excitedly
"We're getting ready for the ceremony, obviously" Susan said putting all the stuff she brought on my vanity table.

"Okay. Lu, I'll do Y/n first since her hair will take the longest" Susan said to the youngest
I was made to sit in front of the mirror. "Nothing too extravagant" I said looking up at the girls
"Yeah yeah. Now shush" Lucy made me look forward again

Not to lie, but I enjoyed the feel of Susan's hands brushing my hair gently, as she styled it in a high ballerina bun, with little braids wrapped around it.
"Whoa, that looks amazing" I whispered surprised
"Thanks. Now, Lucy" she moved me and sat the girl down
"Y/n, you get your dress on" Susan instructed
So I did, while Lucy got her hair slightly curled I put on my dress.

After a while, we were all dressed, and ready to go

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After a while, we were all dressed, and ready to go. We walked into the hall, and we laughed as we walked to the throne room
"Punctual girls" Peter teased
"We're literally a minute late, calm yourself Pete" I joked back

"Susan and Lucy, on my right if you will. Edmund and Peter on my left" father said walking to us
"What about me?" I asked
"On my back little kitten" he said happily
He bowed down, and I managed to get on his back without tearing my dress

Horns blew, and everyone in the throne room turned to look at us as we entered. Both Susan and Lucy were on my fathers right side, and Peter and Edmund were on his right.
I sat on my fathers back, gently holding his main to stay upright
We walked and the centaurs made a guard of honor with their swords making a bridge.
As we passed them they pulled their swords to their chests making a line rather than arch

As we stood at the top of the room, Aslan lowered himself to the ground, and I carefully stood up, fixing my dress.
The five of us smiled happily looking up at our new thrones. I couldn't help but feel nervous

Together we all walked to them and turned, facing the crowd but not sitting just yet.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant" father announced
The Beavers walked up the steps, each carrying a pillow with our crowns, Mr. Tummnus followed them. He took the little silver crown decorated in leaves and stars, placing it on the kneeling Lucy's head.
As she stood I smiled widely at her.

"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just" father announced
Like Lucy Mr.Tummnus placed the silver crown on the boys head. But unlike Lucy's it was a stronger crown, with intricate designs rather than leaves.
He looked at me, and I nodded with a big smile.

"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the gentle" father called out again.
Susan bowed, and her golden crowd decorated with suns was placed on her head. She looked to Lucy then me us all smiling

"To the clear Northern Sky, King Peter, the Magnificent" he turned to the boy.
Peter gained his larger golden crown, it looked slightly heavy. But as he rose from his knee, he looked almost older, and stronger.

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