Battle of the Castle

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"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle" Peter announced
"What do you propose we do, your majesty?" Reepicheep asked
"We should-" Caspian said but Peter also spoke "we need to get-"

I sat up straight, my given task was to make these two get along. It was proving to be difficult
Peter glared at Caspian, who bit his tongue hanging his head in acceptance

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" Peter said
"That's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle" Caspian challenged
"There's always a first time" Peter replied
"Peter" I scolded, but the boy king ignored me.
And I knew fine well why. He had something to prove. To prove he was still High King. But he doesn't understand that everything has changed, and that the Narnians are truly u see my control, and I, have decided to share that responsibility with Caspian. Not Him, not anymore

"We'd have the element of surprise" Trumpkin agreed with Peter
"But we have the advantage here" Caspian tried to reason
"If we dig in we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan stepped up
"I for one feel safer underground" Trufflehunter gave his penny
Peter looked at me, "Look, I appreciate what you've done here. But this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb" he said
My face which had once been soft for my older brother, instantly became as hard and as cold as ice
"Yes, and if theyre smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out" Edmund sided with Peter.

That hurt my feelings the most

"We could collect nuts" Patterwig suggested
"Yes and we can throw them at the Telmarimes. Shut up" Reepicheep said to the squirrel
"REEP!" I said in my Queen voice, making the noise flinch but turned to Peter not a second later "I think you know where I stand sire" he said

"If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asked Glenstorm
He looked at Caspian and then me, before he turned back to Peter
"Or die trying, my liege" the centaur replied

"That's what I'm worried about" Lucy mumbled beside me in the stone table.
"Sorry?" Peter asked
"Well you're all acting like there's two options. Dying here, or dying there" Lucy said
"Im not sure you've been really listening, Lu" Peter told her
"No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch Peter?" Lucy said
"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough" Peter said before he stormed off

The chamber went quiet, all the Narnians were torn. Torn between following me, the person who has led them for over a century, and the person I have chosen to help our revolution. Or to follow the old High King, who was known for winning battles.
They wanted their freedom, that I understood wholeheartedly. But this plan, it wasn't going to work. I knew in my bones that it wouldn't.
But Peter wouldn't budge, he had to do this to show he was still capable.

And now he had half the Narnians following him.
But not only has he turned my army on me, but he has somehow convinced Edmund that this is the best plan. So now, my husband, was against me too.

Sadly, as Highest Queen, I had to often agree to Peters plans, regardless how idiotic they were. And sadly, this was one of them. And it was my duty to protect my land, and my people.


I flew on Tyras back, laying flat to hide. Edmund was flying beside me with a griffin.
I looked down as we flew, there were guards, not a lot. But enough.

Tyra and I followed Edmund and the griffin
While they landed on the roof, Tyra cling to the side of the tower, her claws silently digging in and holding us up. Her black scales shielding us, I crawled from her back to her belly, hiding myself under her camouflage

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