The Battle

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I had stayed awake after the celebrations had died down to nothing but the fire crackling.
I sat on my own, draped across a carpet that was placed by our tent flaps. I was enjoying the cool Narnian summer breeze gently blowing my soft fur.
I looked up when I heard a twig snap, I saw my father walking towards me.
I sighed and stood up too, he walked to me, and nodded sadly. I just hung my head, and followed him.

We walked side by side leaving the camp, and heading into the woods. Neither of us spoke as our shoulders brushed one another with each step, a comfort for us, knowing what was coming
"You can't tell them" father spoke
"I understand" I whispered back

Of course I couldn't tell Peter, or Susan, or Edmund or Lucy that my father, the mighty Aslan wouldn't stay dead very long. They need the boost to learn to take charge.
A lesson I learned long ago, at the mere age of 3.
But unlike a normal child, both Narnian or human, I wouldn't die unless it's what the Deep Magic had played for me. I can die, yes. But it would take a tremendous amount of time, or pressure. In Narnia I can live just as long as my father. But in the human world, I will live until I am old, and die, but I would be returned to Narnia, to live by my father, eternally young.

(Thought I should explain that)

I walked by him, but when he stopped I heard a twig snap.
"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Father turned around
Two heads popped out from behind a tree, Lucy and Susan.
"We couldn't sleep" Lucy said stepping to me, I gently flicker her with my tail, earning a giggle.
"Please Aslan, couldn't come with you both?" Susan asked
"I would be glad if the extra company for a while. Thank you" Aslan replied to her

The two girls stood on either side of us. Lucy on my right, my father on my left, with Susan on his left.
I waited for my father to walk, and he did, I followed along.
Lucy's little hands played with the fur on my neck and shoulders. It was comforting having the two girls with us. None of us speaking, just enjoying the company.

"It is time, from here I must go on alone" father said to us, stopping
"But Aslan?" Susan started
"You have to trust me. For this must be done. Thank you Susan, thank you Lucy, and thank you my dear, and farewell" father said
"But.....?" I asked
"It will be alright little kitten" he nodded
I shifted back to girl, and I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him. I knew he would be alright, but it was still scary, to lose my dad.
I let go, and watched him walk away. I felt a small hand take mine, I looked up and saw Susan was following the lion but taking a different path. I sighed and followed along with Lucy


Susan stopped us at the base of the Stone Table hill.
But obviously they didn't know what was to happen
I watched closely as my father walked up the stairs, being taunted and teased by the Witches army.
Hundreds and hundreds of our enemy. Werewolves. Minotaurs. Trolls. Dwarves. Hags. Bird ladies. Wolves. Goblins. Bears. Jaguars. Tigers. Polar bears. And too many others to name

We watched my father walk between them, ignoring all around him.
"Behold. The great lion" the witch said atop the stone table. A stone dagger in her hand
The crowd was loud, and I know I would feel claustrophobic if I were in my fathers paws.
I watched as a Minotaur walked to the lion, and poked him with the end of his axe, earning a growl. Then suddenly my father was knocked over, and just lay on the ground.
"Why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy asked me sadly. I didn't reply I couldn't form words, I was terrified already
"BIND HIM!" The witch called out

I watched as the horrible Narnians began to tie my father down, I could nearly feel the pain I knew he must feel.
"Wait! Let him first be shaved" the witch said

I watched horrified, as they began to jump on my father, and many of them cut huge chunks off of his once stunning and proud main. I couldn't help the tears in my eyes. A lions main is his pride and joy. How dare they strip him of that. I felt Susan place her hand in mine.
"Bring him to me!" The witch called out

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