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Edmunds POV
I stood beside the Witch as she looked down at the flowing river below us.
"It's so warm out" Ginnabrik said taking off his coat
The witch glared at him, and he realised
"I'll go and check on the sleigh" he said and left, I just smirked.

I hope my family got away from this river while it broke down.
"Your Majesty, we found the traitor. He was rallying your enemies near the Shuddering Woods" Maugrim announced joining us, one of his wolves carried a fox in his mouth, who was then thrown in front of us.
I cringed as he sounded in pain
"Ahh. Nice of you to drop in. You were so helpful to my wolves last night." the witch said
"Perhaps you can help me now. " the witch asked
"Forgive me your majesty" the fox bowed his head
"Oh, don't waste my time with flattery" the witch said offended
"Not to seem rude, but I wasn't actually talking to you" the fox said looking at me.

I was taken aback, the witch glared at me, I could only look at her shocked

"Where are the humans headed?" The witch asked, pointing her staff at him.
I had to save this fox, I couldn't save mr.Tummnus, but I could save this fox.
The fox didnt say anything, he just stood there, fear and panic evident on his face
When the witch drew her arm back, I jumped forward stopping her
"Wait! The beavers said something about the stone table, and that Aslan had an army there" I said hoping she'd leave him be
I looked behind me, the fox just looked disappointed
"An army?" She asked
"Thank you Edmund, I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty, before he DIES!" She shrieked freezing the wolf in stone.
"NO!" I shouted

Then a hand slapped me across the face, I gasped and held my throbbing cheek in my hand. Tears in my eyes
"Think about who's side you are on Edmund. Mine..... or theres" the witch made me look at the stone fox
She turned to the wolves behind us
"Go ahead. Gather the faithful. If it's a war Aslan wants, it's a war he shall get" she said turning a passerby butterfly to stone

Oh Peter please be there. Please have the girls all safe.
I hope with everything I have that Theyre all safe, and ready for this witch

Your POV

I followed the beavers some more. But now I knew where we were going, mainly because my necklace had begun to glow. Creating a bluish light in one given direction. And when we walked in the opposite direction, the light would grow brighter.
So we figured it was trying to put us in the right direction.

And go figure, we eventually arrived at the camp.
We all walked through the long green grass. I was looking everywhere at the bright coloured tents, and all the Narnians.
A centaur stood on top the hill we had just passed, and blew a large horn, announcing our arrival.
I waited for Lucy as she waved at one of the trees.
Then we joined Peter and Susan walking in-between the tents, up to the largest one at the end of the path

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan said through a smile
"Maybe they think you look funny" Lucy joked
I laughed happily. Being surrounded by Narnians made me feel at home again.
So many memories that I had remembered swimming in my mind

We walked and all the gathered Narnians, came to look at us, I spotted fauns, centaurs, leopards and cheetahs, a few dwarves, griffins, horses, bears, dogs. And so many more

"Oi, quit your fussing, you look lovely" mr. beaver stopped his wife as she patted down her fur

We stopped just at the end of the path made for us, thousands of Narnians stood behind us.
"We have come to see Aslan" Peter said holding up his sword
I then realised who the centaur was. Orieus. He looked at the tent
The one who helped me escape.
The one from my dreams, well I guess memory's.

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