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I walked over to y/n and the faun she was speaking with
"Sorry to interrupt, but can I steal you?" I asked her
"Oh yeah sure. It was a lovely speaking to you" she said then nodded to the faun

"What's up?" She asked
I had to think of a plan on the spot now, great
"Um..... do you want to uh, go for a walk?" I asked
"Yeah that would be nice, it's getting very warm in here" she replied taking my hand
I released a breath and followed her outside

The two of us walking around the garden, little lights lit up all over, making it look magical.

It's not or never Edmund. Just tell her how you feel I told myself

Your POV
Edmund and I were walking around, but he looked anxious.
"Are you okay Ed? Do you want to sit down?" I pointed at a stone bench
"Ye-yeah" he coughed making me chuckled and we went to sit down

"Y/n" he said
"Edmund?" I replied in the same serious voice
"I Uh- I need to tell you something" he said worry evident in his voice
"Okay?" I nodded

"I don't know how to start" he whispered making me giggle.
I put a hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes "just tell me" I said softly
He cleared his throat
"Okay, here goes. Y/n ever since I meet you, I thought you were incredible. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and brave. And so much more" he started

I wonder where this is going, but I so hope it's what I think it is.

"You've helped me so much in the last year, and you're my best friend. And I care for you a lot." He said sighing
"What I guess I'm trying to say is, is that I like you. As in like you like you" he said
My eyes went wide. And my mouth was probably open in a very unladylike manner
"It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just...." he trailed off
"No. No I was shocked." I turned his face to lion at me.
"You were?" He asked
I just nodded with a soft smile
"I like you too Edmund. To be honest I'm surprised Lucy never told you" I chuckled
He laughed too

"So, if this is mutual, would you like to be my girlfriend? I know here you have to court and stuff, but isn't that just dating?" Edmund asked shyly
"Yes. To both questions" I said and I pecked his cheek.

He beamed an adorable smile, and his cheeks had a red tint to them.


It has been just under two years now since Edmund and I began to court.
And wasn't it a rollercoaster ride.

Narnia has been in its longest period of calm since the witch, everyone was happy, villages and city's were built, and trade flourished.
I still had to help some farmers when crops would fail, not that I minded, I enjoyed getting out of the castle.
Peter had made alliances with our neighboring countries.
Susan had somehow managed to create treaties, and made new laws up.
Edmund had created our strongest army ever
Lucy continued to help everyone, and she became like a doctor of sorts
I had been using my powers for fixing dams, crops, forests even. And along with my duties as the highest queen, Peter and I had to attend thousands of meetings, and travel to secure peace whenever there was a grievances

Tyra had fun too, she and I would go for random flys over all of Narnia. Sometimes we would go all the way to the Western wood to visit the Beavers and Mr.Tummnus.
That was the highlight of my week, just being a kid.

I had grown even closer to the Pevensie sisters. We all saw each other as sisters now, I really was family. Even Peter saw me as a younger sister, even though I had to act older more often than not.
Susan was the older sister I had always wanted, she helped me plan my speeches, or gave my new ideas. She also helped me look nice, we designed gowns together, and did each other's hair. That was fun
Lucy and I had been close from day one, the two of us were always laughing and smiling. Not a day went by when I wouldn't speak with her, even if it was late, we would sit up just talking about everything and anything

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