Struggle for Narnia

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Your POV

The others have been gone all day, and they haven't returned, not that I was worried. It was probably just taking a while to find the White Stag.
I walked into the throne room to ask Tyra to go for a flight, when I tripped over when walking in.
'Y/n!' Tyra called for me as I fell
"I'm okay" I said sitting up

My voice sounded different
'What happened to you?' Tyra asked
"What do you mean what happened to me?" I stood up.
'You look different' she replied

I looked down at myself, my dress was hanging off my body, so I quickly walked to the mirror on the wall.
What I saw shocked me.

I was back to being a 14 year old girl. "What in Aslans name?" I said touching my face
"What happened?" I turned to the dragon beside me
'You think I know?' She asked

Then an idea struck me.
"They went back" I said quietly
'Back where? Who?' Tyra asked
"The others. Peter. Susan. Lucy. And....Edmund. They went back to England." I said
'How could they decide to just leave? And not tell us' she asked
I looked at myself once more before turning to the dragon
"I don't think they knew what they were doing. But them being gone, must've been what turned me back to a kid. After all, father did say Edmund and I were bonded. So the magic would have reversed him back, and me along with him" I explained
'So what do we do?' Tyra asked

I sat on my throne and sighed

"For now? Prepare I guess. Telmar has been trying to invade Narnia for the last five years. And I have a sneaky suspicion when they hear our four rulers have disappeared, they'll take it as an opportunity to attack" I thought aloud
'So prepare for battle?' She asked
"Yes. Guard!" I called out
And a faun entered the room
"Your majesty?" He asked shocked seeing me
"Yes yes I'm a girl again. Get me Captain Orieus, mr Tummnus and the beavers" I ordered
"Of course" the faun bowed and ran off

"We need to solve this" I mumbled to myself
I tried to shapeshifter, I still had that ability, and my powers, I greater a fireball, a leaf in my hand, the water in the fountain in the corner rose, and I lifted Tyra in the air.
"Okay, I have my powers. The magic didnt stop that" I announced
"Your majesty?" Orieus ran in . Tummnus and the beavers with him

"We have a slight problem" I stood up
"You are a.... a girl again" Tummnus said
"Yep, fully aware of that my friend. And that's not the worse part." I sighed
"What is worse than that?" Beaver asked
"I think the Pevensie's have accidentally returned to their true world" I replied

All four in front me of me gasped. I looked to Orieus
"You know this means the Telmarines will attempt to invade. I need you to devise a strong defense, and have many guards ready" I said
He bowed and trotted out hurriedly
"Mrs. Beaver, I would be glad for your assistance in fixing my appearance" I asked motioning for my too big dress
"Of course dear" she clapped her hands together
"Mr.Beaver, I need you and Tummnus to gather Peters, Susan's and Lucy's valuables. Move them to the vault. I will be there as soon as with mine and Edmunds stuff" I turned to the two
"Yes" they said and ran out
"Come mrs.beaver. We must hurry" I scampered out the throne room to mine and Edmunds chambers. Tyra following behind

"Dresses first" I announced running to the wardrobe.
I lifted the small pile of gowns I had folded in their. "Which one?" I asked the beaver
"Well, seeing as we will most likely be fighting, I'd say this. But we will pack the others up, seeing as you will be a girl for a while" she replied handing me my red dress
I grabbed it and went to change, while she packed up my remaining gowns

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