Their Court

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It has been just under three weeks since we defeated he White Witch, and slowly, Narnia was healing itself.
A new thing we all had decided to start was that every Wednesday, we would allow any Narnians to come to the castle, and to tell us their problems or worries, and we would try to help. So far it seemed to work.

Well, not for me. Every Wednesday, we'd get the same complaint at least once. 'Our crops are still failing due to the still bad soil'
And every Thursday I'd have to wake at silly o'clock, then travel a few hours on horse back, THEN use my powers to correct the soil and help grown crops. And then I'd have to ride back. And when I returned to the Cair, it was usually early hours of the next day. It was a very tiring job, but I was the only one able to do it.

So here I sat on my throne, waiting for some poor soul to innocently ask for our help.
"Your majesties, I was wondering if there was any way to remove the Witches palace?" The little rabbit asked
I sat up straighter, my backside was already numb, but I was intrigued
"The palace?" I asked looking at Peter.
"Yes, it is built directly on the lake, and it blocks out much of the sunlight on the village and that stops our crops from growing" the little rabbit explained

And there it was, I internally groaned.
I didn't have the effort to deal with making a plan, Peter can do it the talking.
"Of course. Queen y/n can ride out tomorrow and help with your crops. And we will survey the palace to see how we can easily remove it" Peter said in his King voice
"Thank you your majesties. I have a selection of our villages finest fruit for you table" the rabbit said hopping forward and offering the woven basket
"Oh, thank you very much." Susan said kindly
"You didn't have to do that Mrs.Rabbit, especially if your village has a food shortage" Lucy said
"No need to worry, we had an overflow of apples" the rabbit joked and we all chuckled
"I will aid in whatever way I can tomorrow. Thank you for your kind gift" I said kindly

The rabbit bowed and hopped out. As the doors finally shut for the first thing this evening we all slouched in our thrones.

"WHYYYYYYYYYY" I whined loudly
Susan had gotten up and was rubbing her sore bum. "Why are those so uncomfortable is a better question" she whined
"We should get pillows on them" Edmund stood stretching

"Pillows, smart" Lucy agreed with the boy
"Y/n, you okay to go tomorrow?" Peter asked me
"I don't have much choice, it needs to be done. It's just so draining." I said yawning, stretching my arms above my head
"Hmmm. Well, you can bring a party with you, you need to inspect the palace as well. It's ice right?" Peter said to Edmund
"From what I saw yes, it's mostly ice" Edmund nodded
"So can you just melt it?" Susan asked me
"Probably. But we'd have to remove anything important. I'll bring a wagon with me" I stood up
"Perfect. Susan and I have to design some ships for a Navy. Lucy you had plans with Tummnus didnt you?" Peter said
"Yes, he's coming here" she nodded
"Ed?" He asked the boy

We all turned to him. "I have no plans" he shrugged
"Ohhhhh, he can come with me" I cheered
"Okay, we all have something to do" Susan nodded
"Yup. And I, am going to the city to get some snacks for my trip, seeing as Ed will eat them all. Anyone want to come?" I walked to the door
"ME!" Lucy ran to me, Susan and Edmund behind her
"I will not eat them all" Edmund whined
"Sure" Lucy Susan and I said in sync


We walked around the market place. Stopping at various stalls and shops. Many people stopped us and asked us questions, surprised to see us with the commoners. We didn't mind though, I enjoyed speaking with the people, they were quite a lively bunch. And it wasn't unusual for us to come down here.

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