Final goodbye

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We all got changed and once the people we saved were on board we all took a longboat to my fathers country
Caspian and Edmund were rowing. Lucy was steering. Reep sat at the front. With Eustace and I sitting behind the boys
And Tyra had wanted to tag along, so she was happily flapping around, and diving into the water coming out her jaw full of fish.

"So what was it like? When Aslan changed you back?" Edmund asked his cousin
"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain, you know like when you pull a thorn from your foot." Eustace explained
"Being a dragon wasnt all bad. I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy really. I'm so sorry for being such a sop." He apologized
"It's okay Eustace. You were a pretty good dragon" Edmund smiled playfully
"Plus you have Tyra a friend. She's never had one before. Have you girl?" I said shouting the last bit at the dragon who swam beside the ship and nodded her head grinning showing her long teeth, making us all laugh

"Did you understand her?" Lucy asked
"Sort of. It was like listening to a Scottish person talk. You know the words, it just sounded different. How do you do it?" Eustace explained looking at me
"Oh. Well we're bonded. So we can share our thoughts, and emotions. But we can usually control that" I explained lowering my boot to show the spiral that sat there
"Oh" Eustace said making me smile kindly at him

He was like a little brother to me. Probably because I had to help him as he was a dragon. And as a boy to settle in, sort of.

"My friends we have arrived" Reepicheep announced
I looked over Ed's shoulder. And was amazed by what I saw. A huge wave that never crashed. And above it, huge mountain ranges
We all got out the boat, pulling it up the shore so it wouldn't float away. Tyra joined us, after shaking the water off her body.

I walked hand in hand with Edmund. I couldn't take my eyes off the wave. It was like it was going to crash down, but it didn't. The water was circulating from the bottom up to the top, and it would repeat
"Aslan" Eustace said making me look to the side, and there he was

"Welcome children. You have done well. Very well indeed. And now your journey is at its end" my father walked to us
"Is this your country?" Lucy asked
"No, my country lays beyond" the lion answered looking at the wave
"Is my father in your country?" Caspian asked
"You can only find that out for yourself. But you should know, that if you continue, there is no return" my father told him

I watched as Caspian walked to the wave, and out his hand in it. But he turned around. I was confused. All he wanted was to see his father again, so why not go?
"You're not going?" Edmund voiced my confusion
"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I've spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom, a people." Caspian explained
"I promise to be a better king" he turned to the lion
"You already are" Aslan told him proudly

"Children" the lion turned to us
Lucy beamed wanting to go.
"I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu" Edmund stopped her
My face dropped. I knew this was coming. I looked at my father, and he nodded knowing what I'd been asking silently
I looked at my friends a new sadness in my eyes
"But I thought you loved it here?" Lucy asked her brother
"I do. But I love home, and our family as well. They need us" he told her

Their conversation was paused by a little cough from Reepicheep who jumped forward to the mighty lion
"Your elegance. Ever since I can remember, I have dreamed about seeing your country. I have had many great adventures in this world. But nothing has dampened that urning. But with your permission, I would lay down my sword, for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes" Reep said
"My country was made for nobel hearts such as yours. No matter how small their bearers may be" father told him
"Your majesty" Reepicheep bowed in respect

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